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Aly's P.O.V:-

I was sat on my bed and Troye came through and sat at the bottom of my bed.

''Hello bestie'' I smiled widely and gave him a hug.

''hello i missed you'' He said.

''You too, what made you come in here?'' i asked.

''Well i want you to come and meet the other guys as you only know me and Joe'' he smiled.

''Ok sure'' i smiled.

I got up and put a black over sized hoodie on and made my way out.

Jack Maynard's P.O.V:-

''Ey who's this?'' I grinned, when this girl came in, she looked really pretty.

''DONT BE SO RUDE'' Connor spat.

''Sorry'' I whispered.

Joe looked pissed at me already, we have only been her 20 minutes.

Joe's P.O.V:-

Jack made a stupid remark, Aly must already think i am stupid. I looked up at Aly and i smiled as she sat next to me and in between me and Troye. Everyone introduced themselves.

''Sorry for Jack'' I said.

She looked up, when our eyes met i felt butterflies. I cant fancy my roommate that's ridiculous.

''Its alright, everyone seems nice'' she smiled. I nodded in agreement.

''They are when they ant being stupid'' I laughed.

She just smiled.

''I saved you some pizza'' i said handing her the box, ''Thanks'' she smiled.

We all chilled and ate snacks and talked, Aly seemed to really like everyone and she made good conversations, the boys soon left and it was just me and her, she started to clean up.

''Let me do this, i made the mess'' i smiled taking the rubbish bag from her.

''you sure?'' she asked.

''Yes, now go and relax or something while i tidy'' i smiled.

''Okay'' she smiled.

She left the room, my heart instantly sank, i kind of wanted her to help me because she will be near to me! JOE WHY ARE YOU THINKING THIS YOU HAVE ONLY KNOWN HER LIKE 2 DAYS! I finished up tidying. I made my way to the kitchen and made 2 glasses of cold ice juice and set them on the coffee table and walked to Aly's room.

I knocked, ''come in'' She shouted.

with that i walked in and placed her laptop on her bed, ''I made us some drinks, you want to watch a movie?'' i asked.

''Thanks that would be great'' She grinned.

I got my covers and pillows and put them on our sofa and put them over me and Aly, We scrolled through Netflix and put on a Horror.

Aly's P.O.V:-

It kind of feels good sitting with Joe and watching a movie, it feels like me and Joe have known each other for a long time honestly feels good.

''Aly'' Joe said.

''Yes'' i smiled.

''I would love to get to know you more would you like to go out for dinner or something'' Joe said.

I instantly felt the rush of the adrenaline, i want to say yes without sounding eager.

''Sure'' i smiled awkwardly.

''Good'' Joe smiled.

Soon the movie was playing again and it was getting so late and dark outside, Joe was on his phone and i felt my body lean on him and my head on his shoulders, and my eyes drooped.

Joe's P.O.V:-

I was scrolling through Twitter, and i felt Aly lean on me i look down at her to see her fallen asleep, i got up without waking her and put my phone on charge and turned off my laptop, i then turned off the lights around the house, and slid back onto the sofa, and i felt Aly move a little and with that i fallen asleep both of us embraced in a cute hug sleep.

Why am i doing this? I feel like i am a stalker or moving to fast for my being! I want to have more with ALY! Now i am being creepy.

Thank you for reading, some people have asked about the smut and its coming don't you worry! Thank you so much for the support x

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