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Taehyung ran at full speed as he tried to ignore the deafening sounds of police sirens, which muted even the loudest of noises around him. This hasn't been the first time he had to flee from the cops. In fact, it has happened so many times before that he lost count. 

Sometimes Taehyung wonders what his life would be like if he hadn't met them. What would he be doing right now? 

Staying up late to finish his homework, probably. Like the good, innocent little boy he once was.

Yet, he didn't regret anything. Despite all of the trouble they always get him in, Taehyung felt like the boys truly cared about him.

Being so distracted by his own thoughts Taehyung never noticed the old dumpster he was speeding towards, making him crash right into it. 

He groaned out in pain before slowly sliding down to the ground. The flashing lights were coming closer and closer as he just laid there, waiting for his friends to come and save him. They said they would come back for him. They promised him they would.

So where were they?

It's been too long.

Taehyung took out his phone and dialed the number he hasn't dared to call for weeks, but he had no other choice. He left a shaky breath as the other side picked up. 

''Hyung...?'' Taehyung started before pausing, trying to get himself together.

''I think you were right, hyung.''


I'm already sad and it's only the preview grow up author


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