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One ➳ Pilot pt. 2


''What the fuck are you doing in my room?''

His bold tone took Taehyung by surprise since he didn't expect it from someone who could easily be mistaken as a fluff ball. 

''I said, what the fu-'' ''I don't know.'' Taehyung interrupted, answering him with honesty. ''I uhm, I'll be going now though. Bye.'' He gave the stranger an awkward nod before turning towards the door while scratching the back of his neck.

''Wait.'' The guy held so much authority in his voice that Taehyung couldn't help but stop in his tracks. ''Who are you?''

For some reason, the stranger couldn't help but feel somewhat intrigued by the scrawny boy that had burst into his room. He just looked so innocent.

He wanted to mess with him a little.

''Ah...I'm Taehyung. And you are?'' Taehyung returned the question after a short pause.

Before he could answer his question someone else entered the room through another door that Taehyung hadn't even spotted when he first came in. Now that he looked more closely he noticed the door was covered up, as if the owner didn't want other people to know it was there.

''Yoongi what's taking you so- who is this?'' The young looking boy asked while raising an eyebrow. 

'So this is Yoongi...well shit' Taehyung thought.

''Taehyung or something.'' Yoongi shrugged nonchalantly. ''Wait, you're that weird guy from school, aren't you?'' The younger one pointed out after studying him. ''You're actually pretty hot.'' 

''Uhm...thanks, I guess?'' Taehyung said while scratching the back of his neck againwhich is also a habit of his whenever he is nervous.

''Stop touching your neck, you keep doing it. It's annoying.'' Taehyung hadn't even noticed how much he did it until Yoongi rudely brought it up. ''I think it's cute.'' The other one said. 

''Anyways, I should go back downstairs.'' ''No you shouldn't'' The guy, who Taehyung still doesn't know the name of, quickly stopped him. ''Why go downstairs when you can party with us up here?'' 

''Shut up Jungkook. Who said he could party with us?'' Yoongi snapped at Jungkook, not so thrilled with his idea. ''I did. Come on Yoongi he is so cute, look at him!'' 

''I don't care how 'cute' he is-'' Yoongi stopped mid sentence as he looked at Jungkookwho was giving him puppy eyes.

''...Fine he can come with us.'' Yoongi gave in, motioning for the both of them to follow him.

Yoongi didn't only do it for Jungkook, but also for himself. He still wanted to mess around with Taehyung. Not sexually or anything, he wasn't his type.

He led them to the concealed door and Taehyung was met with two more strangers who were sitting on the ground. 

Taehyung completely forgot about Jin and Mark as he sat down and joined them. ''Here.'' Someone with dark hair held out a bottle of beer for him to take. ''Oh, thanks.'' Taehyung nodded before taking the bottle from him, not knowing what to do with it as he never drank alcohol before. He was kind of scared knowing he was probably a lightweight and would get drunk very quickly.

''You ready to party?'' Jungkook asked as he sat down next to him, nudging his shoulders. 

''Uhm yeah...turn up.'' 

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