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(A/N: So I deleted my chapters on this story (the couple short ones I had) because I thought it seemed rushed. Also I had a better concept. If you read the teaser before I updated it, i recommend you read it again now because I've changed it slightly. So here's to a hopefully much better written story - enjoy.)

Phil's POV:

'Prince Philip?' A voice came at my door.

'Come in.' I replied, as politely as I could at this time of the morning. At this time, not a bird should be roaming - never mind me. Still, there's no need to make a fuss, especially to someone who can't help the fact this is the time I need to rise.

The door opens and a tall figure with blond hair stands at the door. 'It's time to get up, sire.'

I hear them place something down gently on the set of drawers next to my bed. 'Your breakfast is there.' They say once again.

I shoot them a smile. 'Thank you.' I say. They nod and leave.

How I'd hate to be a palace worker. There's nothing I would honestly hate more than being ordered around, especially by people as horrible as my mother. That's why I always try and be kind and respectful to those people, because to be honest I have a large amount of admiration for them, still being here and all. It must be pretty tough.

I get out of bed - after all, if I don't it won't be me who gets the blame for it. It'll be someone completely innocent who should not be blamed. I wouldn't want that to happen.

I throw on my dressing gown and sit on my bed, shivering. Starting to look through my wardrobe, I realise just how little I have that I want to wear. Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of clothes. If I'm being honest, I probably have more clothing than the people in an entire set of villages in the kingdom do. The problem is none of it I like.

I'm not a spoiled brat. I am extremely grateful - I just don't like the whole formal thing. I think it's stupid. It's all like a massive show. Everyone knows that no one acts formal naturally, so why can't we all just act.. natural? Still, my point is I am grateful for what I own, it's just not what I would wear if I had the choice.

If I could, I'd donate some of these clothes to one of the villages, but I know for a fact mother would never let me do that in a thousand years. She doesn't believe in charity or giving. Come to think of it, she doesn't believe in kindness much at all.

My father, nevertheless, is the kindest soul you could ever wish to meet - I like to think that I take after him. He's kind, charming, caring and honestly the best person to be around. It's a shame he's so afraid of my mother that he lets her take control: things would be a lot better around here if he was the one in charge. I'm hoping that soon enough I'll be able to take over and grant the peace he's always wanted.

I throw on my clothes and head down to breakfast. There's an icy breeze radiating from my mother as I take my seat opposite her.

'Philip.' She says. I ignore her as I pick up my coffee and drink it. There's an awkward silence.

'How did you sleep son?' My father breaks the silence.

'Quite well, thank you.' I reply politely.

'You need to eat quickly, you're going off in to the village in an hour.' My mother snaps.

I'd completely forgotten about that! Yes, today was the day I was going in to the village to do a speech and talk to the people. I've been looking forward to it for weeks.

The main reason I'm going is because I'm going to be their future king, and I've never in 18 years of my life actually been out and spoken to the public. Because of my mother, my family have never really spoke to their people. In fact only on special occasions have we been able to wave at them from the balcony. I'm going to change this when I come in to power.

Anyway, because of this, I imagine the public probably think of me as quite royal and stuck up like my mother, despite how I've tried to stop that happening. Today I'm going to make sure they get to know that I'm just like them and possibly give them some hope for the future.

I'm not really sure how my mother has allowed me to do this trip, but I'm not complaining. It's one of the very few good decisions she's made in her life.

After eating, I jump into my carriage and start to travel into the village. I can barely hold my excitement - today is going to be great.

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