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There was a silence for a moment.

'Take a letter into the village for you? Don't you have, like, messengers for that?' Toby asked.

'Well... yeah, but if I get them to send it they'll know I'm hanging out with someone from the village and then my mother will probably find out.'

Toby sighed. 'What's my excuse for just casually leaving the castle?' No servant was allowed to leave the castle without permission.

'Umm..' Phil tried to come up with a solution - he hadn't thought of this bit. 'I'll give you a letter saying I've given you permission to go and visit your family. You know what, go visit your family. Take a few days off and chill for a bit, but please first get this letter to Dan.'

Toby smiled. 'Okay, I'll do it. You need to give me this guy's address though because I'm not psychic you know.' he said, returning to his usual jokey attitude.

Phil scribbled down directions on a piece of paper and handed it to him, along with two other letters.

The two hugged a goodbye and Toby left down the corridors. He was stopped by two guards on the way out.

'Where are you going?' One asked, towering over Toby.

'A note from the crown prince.' He said, almost smugly as he handed it to them.

They both read it and stepped out of his way.

'Have a nice journey!' One shouted.

Toby began his journey through town towards the address. He knew his way around pretty easily considering it was the place he grew up. The village was pretty small, so for all he knew he could know someone from Dan's family.

He found the house and knocked on the door. A lady with blond hair answered, who Toby assumed was Dan's mother.

'Hi, is Dan here?' Toby said politely.

His mother was shocked at this. 'Umm.. Is everything okay?' she asked.

'Yes, everything's fine. I just have a letter for him.' Toby replied, smiling reassuringly.

'Okay, I'll go get him.'

She left and a couple moments later a guy came to the door. He was tall, taller than Phil in fact, and had a similar haircut.

'Letter from.. well you can probably guess who.' Toby said, handing the letter over.

Dan smiled in realisation. 'Oh, thanks. Umm.. who are you?' Dan asked.

Toby smiled. 'You'll meet me soon, don't worry. Have a good day!' he said, walking away.

'Umm... you too!' Dan replied, unsure whether Toby could still hear him. He didn't care, he was too eager to get in and open the letter.

He sat on his bed and tore open the envelope as carefully as he could. After all, the golden hinged piece of paper was probably worth more than his life.

His hands were shaking so much however he managed to compose himself enough to read the letter.

Dear Dan,

How are you? I'm saying this like I last saw you three years ago, when it was only yesterday. Ah well. I'm really hoping that you're getting this an hour or so after I'm writing it. I'm going to try and get Toby to take it to yours for me. I'll do a sad puppy dog face, that should work.

Anyway, I tried to come into the village today but my mum wouldn't let me. I'm really angry but there's not much I can do at the moment.

I still want to see you today though, so I've got a plan. I know a way around the back of the castle gardens to get into the forest in the village. Meet me at the castle edge of the forest at 7. I'm presuming you know where that is.

Anyway, I'll see you then.


Dan's mum walked in just as he finished reading the letter.

'What was that all about?'

Dan handed his mum the letter and she sat next to him as she read it.

'Aww, he seems cute.' She said.

'You don't mind if I go?'

'Of course I don't! Go have fun.' she replied.

He smiled. 'Thanks Mum.'

She left and he got changed into something a bit nicer. He didn't have anything nice, but he was sure that he could find at least something nicer than what he was wearing.

Once he was ready he left, shouting bye from the door. He made his way into the forest, impatient with excitement and apprehension.

He started to get deeper into the forest and realised quite how dark it was. Some of his excitement turned to fear, however he still kept going.

Suddenly, his body became paralysed with fear.

Someone had tapped him on the shoulder.

Who was it?

What did they want?

Who's even out in the forest at this time?

He finally worked up the courage to turn around, when he was pulled into an embrace.

'DAN!' Phil said, hugging his friend tight.

'Phil! You scared me to death you idiot!' Dan said, but he was laughing.

'I'm sorry, I couldn't resist.' Phil said, also laughing. 'I'm presuming Toby gave you the letter then?'

'Yep. I asked him who he was and he just told me I'd meet him later.'

'Yeah, he's right. I'll introduce you when it's actually possible.' Phil laughed.

'So, have you told your parents you've made friends with a peasant boy? Dan asked.

'Why do you think I'm still stood here?' Phil laughed, a hint of sadness in his voice.

'What are they really like? Like I've seen them, but obviously I've never met them.'

'They're exactly the same as they seem to be honest. My mum's a witch and my dads nice and caring. It's a shame
really, because he's too scared of my mother to do anything about her.'

Dan was silent for a moment. 'Well.. that's a shame.'

There was more silence.
'Anyway.' Phil interrupted. 'Enough about my family, how about we do something fun.'

'Like what?' Dan asked.

Phil smiled, a glint of mischief in his eye.

'How about we climb a tree?'

Never Good Enough (PHAN)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن