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As Dan left the house that morning, he was greeted by four people running up to him.

'Dan is it true?' Dan stared at the girl in confusion.

'Is... is what true?'

'Did you kiss the prince?' Another person said.

Dan's heart stopped at these words, his skin paling and his breath quickening.

'No? Where did you hear that?!'

'Everyone's talking about it.'


Phil was sat reading when Toby walked back in, a panicked look on his face.

'What's wrong?' Phil asked, instantly starting to worry.

'It's.. it's about last night.'

'What about last night? About me and Dan? What's happened Toby? What's happened?' Phil said, starting to grow impatient with every second.

'... Everyone knows.'

Phil started to fill with anger at this point. 'How could
you?!' He asked, rage shooting through him like a bullet.

'I-I-I it wasn't me!' Toby said, shaking.


'I don't know, but it wasn't me. Please Phil, please listen to me.' Toby said, sadness in his eyes.

Phil didn't even see the sadness through his cloud of betrayal.

'Get out, Toby.'


'Get out before I get someone to remove you.'

Toby nodded, and fearfully he walked out the door.

Phil felt no sorrow for him.

What was he going to do now though? Was he going to address the rumours? Or was he going to deny them?

Neither - he was going to run away.

He climbed out his window and made his way down using the window ledges. He would've been impressed with himself if he wasn't in a major rush.

He started to run into the village, his lungs turning in on themselves. Eventually he found himself at the only place he could think of going - Dan's house. He knocked on the door.

'Hello Phil! How are you dear?' Dan's mum said, opening the door. Phil presumed she hadn't yet heard the news.

'Very good thank you.' Phil replied, 'Have you any idea where Dan is?'

She shook her head. 'He's in the village somewhere: he's always out and about. Maybe try the waterfall?'

'Okay, thank you.' He replied, turning around and starting to run. He remembered the way from their last adventure.

His legs were starting to tire now, and his heart was beating faster than he ever remembered. Still he kept running, not daring to stop. As he approached the waterfall, he saw Dan's figure.

'Dan!' He shouted, stopping in front of his friend.

'Phil? How the hell did you get here?' Dan asked. His eyes were red rimmed and it was clear he'd been crying.

'It doesn't matter - I'm running away.'

Dan had to stop for a moment to take in this new information. 'Phil, you can't. You need to stay and rule when your parents die.'

'I can't stay any longer Dan! Everyone knows about what happened with us.'

'Well... I know but-'

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