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Phil's POV:
As we get back to the castle, I get off my horse and run straight back to the room where I know my father is being kept. I am let in immediately and run to hug him.

'Father!' I say, embracing him.

'Philip.' He says. I'm scared he's angry or frightened at what's happened, but I look up to see him smiling at me.

'Father, how are you so happy. Your castle has been taken over, you've been locked in a room for hours, weren't you at all worried?'

His father sighed happily. 'Oh Phil, what would I worry about? They weren't going to do anything to me - I'm popular with the people. They all know that I'm not a cruel leader, they just had to overtake the castle to keep your mother out of power and get you back. These people did all this, for you. You clearly must be doing something right.' he said.

I smiled happily; maybe he was right.

'I was aware that their plan was to put me and your mother to the side so that they could put you on the throne. Of course I didn't worry, it's not like you were going to have anything happen to me.'

'I spoke to them,' I replied, 'and they said that they're fine with you being on the throne now that Mother's gone. Nothing has to change really.'

His father laughed kindly. 'Phil, I don't want this.' I gasped slightly. 'My time for ruling has been and gone. If I'm being honest, I can't help but feel guilty for letting the kingdom fall for fear of the person I was supposed to love. But you, you clearly represent a new hope for the people. They all adore you because they know that you're the saviour they've needed all this time. Please, for me, take the throne.'

My thoughts start to stutter. I want to do what my father wants, but do I really have the capacity to lead? I can't make decisions that big on my own.

As if reading my mind, my father stepped in. 'I'll be here to help you with decisions and everything like that, but I honestly think you could do so much for everyone here.'

There's silence for a moment.

'Okay, I'll do it.'

Dan's POV:

I'm stood talking to a guard outside when Phil and his father eventually leave the room. The King addresses everyone.

'I have whole heartedly decided to give my throne to my son. He will be the new ruler, and the Kingdom will be better for it.'

Everyone starts clapping now, louder and louder until it fills the castle with delight and excitement. The entire group get on their knees in front of Phil as a sign of respect for this new beginning, and he turns to the cloaked figure.

'Please stand up and show me who you are.' he says, and the man nods. He stands and slowly lifts his helmet...
'Toby?!' Phil said, a mixture of surprised and confused.

'Phil!' he said, hugging his friend.

'You did all this, for me?' Phil asked, overwhelmed.

'Well... yeah. I knew you were mad at me and I felt really awful, plus I've always thought you deserved better than to live in fear under your mother. So I decided I'd actually do something about it.' said Toby, and Phil started to blush slightly.

By this point the crowd had stood up, watching in awe at the scene around them. Phil didn't care about them though - his only focus was Toby.

'Thank you.' he said, hugging his friend again and almost knocking him over with force. The crowd started to cheer by this point, the happy atmosphere infectious.

And the kingdom was happy once again.


A/N: So, I'm going to finish this story. There'll be one more chapter; it will be a big one so brace yourselves. My original plan was for this story to be way longer, but if I'm telling the truth I'm just not very happy with it. Anyway, ending chapter very soon!

Never Good Enough (PHAN)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora