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Dan watched the carriage draw in, and smiled at the thought of Phil being inside it. Before they met, Phil seemed untouchable. An enigma who would never ever talk to someone like him.

But now, he was Phil.

Kind, happy, slightly dorky Phil.

He got out and started having a chat to everyone around him. It was as if everyone's lifelong friend had come to visit for a bit.

He started to make his way backwards towards Dan and his family. Dan had brought his mother today as she'd never met Phil herself.

Phil ran to Dan and gave him a hug and Dan was relieved to see no one really thought anything of it.

'Phil!' he said, hugging him back. 'This is my mum.' Dan gestured towards her.

'Nice to meet you, I'm Phil.' he said, shaking her hand.

'It's very nice to meet you.'

Without warning, Rose hugged Phil. The force almost knocked him over, but he managed to stay upright and laugh.

'Hi!' he said, bending down to hug her.

'Hi Phil!' she said, clearly very excited to see him again.

'Dan, do you want to come to the waterfall with me for a bit?' Phil asked. Dan looked at his mum.

'Fine by me.' She said and a few seconds later they were on their way. Dan mainly had to lead, as Phil only had a vague idea of where they were going, but soon enough they were there. They looked into the lake together.

'Race you to it!' Phil said, jumping in.

'Oh it's on Lester.' Dan said, quickly following him. They both started the swim towards the waterfall.

Phil's swimming lessons made him fast, but Dan's adventurous childhood made him a lot faster. Soon enough he was there, Phil paddling behind in the distance.

'You're... so... fast...' Phil managed to say in between sharp breaths.

Dan laughed. 'It's what you get when you don't have someone to do everything for you.'

'Shut up! It's not like I had a choice anyway.' Phil said.

'I suppose that's true. But you know what you also don't get a choice about?' Dan asked.


'How wet you get.' Dan said, splashing water in Phil's direction.

'Wanna bet?' Phil asked, retaliating.

The two went on for a while, until the air started to get darker and the water colder. Phil got out of the water and sat by the bank.

'This is nice you know.' He said, and Dan hummed in agreement. He started to sit next to his friend, but lost his footing slightly as he did so. He ended up sitting way closer than he'd intended.

And then lips were on lips, and the two shared a kiss.


Groggily, Phil woke up and turned over. He struggled to remember exactly what had happened last night.

Did they kiss? Was it all a believable dream, a fantasy in his head?

No, it was real. Phil knew it. He hadn't got into trouble for being back late last night as the guards had learnt to cover for him, but his trouble was in his own mind.

Who started it? Was it me? I think it was me. He thought, the memory slowly coming back to him and getting clearer by the second.

Dan fell and found himself sitting so close to me. I realised that all I wanted to was to hold him close and tell him I loved him, so I did that in the best way I could.

Dan didn't even seem shocked. In fact, he joined in straight away. Maybe it wasn't only me who initiated it? Maybe it was both of us.

His thoughts were interrupted by Toby entering.

'GUESS WHO'S BACK BITCHES?' he said, strutting through the door like the world was his runway. For Toby, it really was.

Phil turned around and buried his head in his pillow for some slight comfort. Although he really loved Toby, Phil could have done with some alone time at that moment.

'What's wrong?' Toby asked, patting Phil on the back.

'Nothing, okay. Something just... happened.'

Toby laughed. 'Did you kiss Dan?'

Phil turned around quickly. 'WHAT?! OMG WHO KNOWS?!'

'Chill. No one knows, I just knew there was sexual tension there. I read your letter after all.'

'You read my letter?!' Phil asked. This was just full of surprises.

'Of course I did! You can't expect me to not read a potential love letter my best friend is sending out!'

Phil groaned, but he was relieved that no one else knew.

Toby couldn't take a hint though. 'So... did you like it?'

Phil really couldn't ignore him. 'I guess? Yeah, it was great and that's terrifying me.'


'Because, Toby, what if he disagrees? What if he thinks that it was the worst thing ever and he never wants to talk to me again?'

Toby almost laughed. 'I doubt it. He'd have to be pretty thick to kiss someone he didn't like.'

'I suppose you're right.'

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