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As Liam walks up the front steps of his little apartment, he hears his phone ring. Before going inside, he checks it and saw that Louis texted him.

Tommo: I'm having a party tonight.
Tommo: everyone's invited and you and Zayn NEED to be there. No excuses.

Liam: what if we have plans already?

Tommo: really? What you gonna do that's better than my legendary parties??

Liam: haha were free we'll be there

Tommo: good. Literally everyone's gonna be there bro. It's gonna be lit af.

Liam: im excited not so sure Zaynie will be though.....

Tommo:why? He doesn't like parties? Or he just still hates me? 
       Tommo: even after I saved his life.....
Tommo: not that that even matters or anything

Liam: no no he loves you haha he just doesn't like loud crowded dark places.....

Tommo: give him some drinks and he'll be fine

Liam:remember the last time he got drunk?

Tommo: yeah.... I almost killed him. He can just eat food and he'll be fine

Liam chuckles slightly and opens the front door.

Liam: I'll talk to him. See what he says. Can't promise anything tho.

"Zaynie I'm home!" Liam calls into the quiet house and is greeted by an excited jumping Watson.
"Hey boy! Hi! Watson down. I missed you too today Watson I promise! I just need some space mate," Liam laughs as he pushes the excited dog away from himself.
"Where's Zaynie, Watson? Is he still not talking to me?" Liam asks Watson who barks up at him.
Watson trots into the kitchen and Liam follows. He finds Zayn standing in front of the stove.
"Hey baby, what are you making me for dinner?" Liam asks as he peers over Zayn's shoulder at the little pan on the stove.
"Nothing for you hoe!" Zayn insists and Liam laughs as he swats Liam's face away with a dirty spatula.
Liam giggles and moves his head to the side.
"Zaynie stop," he laughs as Zayn hits him in the head with a few times with the spatula.
     "I do hope you're going to wash that now," Liam advises playfully.
     "Well it touched your body so..... I'm just gonna throw it out," Zayn reasons as he tosses it in the waste bin.
     "That's hurtful!" Liam laughs as he picks the spatula up and rinses it off in the sink.
"Whatever you're cooking smells absolutely amazing, my little master chef," Liam says with a smile over at Zayn.
"Too bad you're not gettin none," Zayn mutters with a smirk.
"You still mad at me?" Liam asks as he rests his hands on Zayn's hips and leans against his back.
"Yes. I'm always gonna be mad at you," Zayn mutters without looking back at Liam.
"Aw That's not nice," Liam laughs.
B "You know what else isn't nice. Forcing someone to run 40 miles before it's even 7 in the morning," Zayn remarks sassily.
     "40 miles?? Dude. We didn't even go 2!!" Liam informs him and Zayn rolls his eyes. "Damn baby. You really can't last long, can you," Liam says with a sly grin.
      "It's not my fault my fucking legs give out and become useless and hurt," Zayn mumbles.
     "You should be used to that by now," Liam comments with a smirk.
     "Haha aren't you clever," Zayn mumbles.
      "Aw come on baby boy you know I mean it all in fun. I love you," Liam says with a huge smile as he hugs Zayn from behind. Zayn sighs and shakes his head and steps away.
      "I don't like it when you're mad at me," Liam says with a sad pouty face.
      "are you ever gonna talk to me again?" Liam asks sadly.
      "No. Never," Zayn insists.
       "What if I say I found something fun for us to do tonight?" Liam  says persuasively with a grin. Zayn lifts his eyebrows and looks back at Liam curiously.
      "What is it?" He wonders curiously.
       "Oh now you wanna talk to me?" Liam asks sarcastically.
"Liam... What's fun. I wanna know," Zayn says as he turns around and wraps his arms around Liam's waist.
    "I'm sorry Zayn. You're mad and not talking to me so I should probably just leave you alone now and make you happy," Liam says as he walks off toward the bedroom.
     "No Liam! Tell me! I wanna know what we could do that's fun!" Zayn says impatiently.
      "You don't love me! You just want to be with me because I do fun things with you!" Liam cries dramatically as he turns away.
     "No!! Liam!! Baby please! I'm sorry!" Zayn pleads as he grabs in to Liam's arm.
      "Do you love me Zayn?" Liam asks.
       "Yes! I love you! You're my Liam! And I love you! Even if I'm mad at you! But I'm not mad at you right now. I love you!," Zayn insists as he kisses  the beautiful roses tattooed on Liam's hand.
     Liam smiles and rests his hands on Zayn's little hips, pulling him in close. He leans forward and softly kisses Zayn's lips.

"I missed you today," Liam whispers quietly Zayn rests his forehead against Liam's, there nose touching.

"I bet you didn't even remember me," Zayn insists quietly with a joking smile.

"No. I couldn't think of much else but you today," Liam admits and Zayn laughs quietly.

"What were you going to say earlier?" Zayn wonders, still curious to know what Liam had planned.

     "I was wondering if you would want to go to a party with me tonight," Liam offers hopefully but Zayn looks at him with disinterest clearly evident on his handsome face.
"It's at Louis's house. He just invited me a couple minutes ago  and he really wants us to go. I think it'll be a ton of fun," Liam persuades as he looks up at Zayn with big pleading eyes.
    "I've never been to a party before..... but okay," Zayn agrees with a shrug.
     "You'll love it! You can meet new people and dance and drink and just have a great time," Liam says.
     "Liam.... I don't like people and I can't dance. And I don't drink because it probably will kill me....," Zayn tells Liam flatly and he laughs.
     "I mean... There's other things you can do to. And I'll be there so you could just be with me if you really wanted and we can just have a good time together," Liam offers with a smile. 
    "Okay yeah. I like that," Zayn accepts with a nod.
"And that beats what I had planned for tonight anyway," Zayn admits.
"What did you have planned?" Liam wonders.
"I don't know. Staring at you all night. Watching you ignore me," Zayn shrugs.
       "Aw but Baby that sounds like so Much fun!!" Liam says as he rests his finger and thumb under Zayn's chin.
       "Yeah right maybe for you!" Zayn mumbles with a short laugh. Liam laughs also and leans forward to peck Zayn's nose.
"Alright I'm gonna go get changed. can you take Watson outside for a bit then we can go?" Liam asks.
"Okay. Come on Watson. Liam's throwing us out again. He needs his private time to get beautiful," Zayn says as he leads Watson outside.
He steps down the steps and sits on the bottom stair, resting his elbows on his knees and watching Watson play in the grass.
"I'm going to a party Watson," Zayn says as he watches the giant dog run excitedly around the small front yard.
"I don't know what the fuck a party is. But I'm goin," Zayn adds with a grin as he throws a stick for Watson to chase after.


"Is this ok?" Zayn asks worriedly as he walks out of the bathroom for about the 4th time to show Liam his new outfit. Liam glances up to see Zayn now wearing an oversized maroon sweater and ripped black skinny jeans and to complete the look, his large black high tops.
"Yes Zayn. You look absolutely adorable. Like every other outfit you wore," Liam tells him with a smile.
"Should I put one of the other ones on? Would that be better?" Zayn asks worriedly, afraid his new outfit wasn't good enough.
"Oh my god.... No! Stay with this one," Liam suggests.
"Okay okay," Zayn sighs with a nervous laugh as he fixes a wrinkle in his shirt.
"This is a really good color for you anyway," Liam adds with a sly grin as he rests his hands on Zayn's hips and runs his thumb over the collar of the sweater Zayn wore. Zayn smiles and glances up at Liam.
"You look so good Zayn. Relax. Don't worry okay? Everyone'll be staring at you anyway no matter what you wear," Liam tells him and Zayn's eyes widen.
"But I don't want everyone to stare at me..." Zayn says nervously.
"Well.... I'll be staring at you and you can't fucking stop me, you donut," Liam says with a smile as he takes Zayn's hands in his own and kisses his forehead. Zayn laughs quietly and smiles up at Liam.
"C'mon beautiful. Let's go," Liam says as he picks up Zayn's coat and helps him slip it over his shoulders so he wouldn't get cold in the frigid December weather.


Im super excited for the party. It's gonna be lit. And you're all invited to go so I hope you're excited too ;)

But anyway thanks for reading this chapter :) I hope you liked it!! 💙

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