°Color My life.-1°

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 "High five man. Awesome game." I smiled as I high fived some lad from school. Man, school is great but seriously, I don't think I can take another exam just like the chemistry one from this morning, I studied all night long while my friends were out partying.

I went to my locker to get my lunch and noticed some guys from the hockey team threating some kid, and beating him. I frowned, not while I'm still studying here. "Hey!" I yelled, the three of them quickly turned around. 

"Dude, it's Anthony..." The curly haired whispered. I just crossed my arms.

"Yeah, freaking right. Leave this kid alone, understood?! Or else, the hockey team will need some other players when I'm done with you." My voice was hard and cold. I hate to use my 'protector' voice, but that's the only way to keep them away from innocent people. 

"And what are you gonna do if we don't? C'mon, he's a nerd." The blond one smirked. 

"Oh, well..." I just quickly took his right arm, tight grip 'round it. Pressing exactly where I know it works the... thing. His face turned in to a sour expression mixed with pain. "Okay, okay. Man,  -... my hand- fuck!" The lad yelled. I dropped his arm and turned to the others, "Get the fuck out of here." 

I turned to the kid, freshman, probably;  flashing him a small smile and offering him a hand.

"You okay?" I tried to make my voice as soft as I could.

"Yeah..." He looked puzzled. "You- you're Anthony? Anthony Padilla, right? Our quarterback." He wasn't asking. I just chuckled, and he was amused by it.

"Yes, apparently you do know me, but how about you? What's your name?" 

"I'm Joshua, I ... I just moved in here, last week."

"Oh, well. I guess it must be hard, I mean, like the school is freaking big and well, I've lived here my whole life." I rambled a bit. 

"Yeah, well. Thank you, but I kinda have to go... thank you again." And he disappeared around the hall.

I sighed and went back to my locker. I cheked myself on the small mirror I keep in there, and winked to myslef. "You got them, Padilla, you got them. You are the beast a you got them arou-" I said out loud mostly to myself.

I heard someone chuckling softly behind me.

"You got what." A completely unknow but kind of pretty-ish voice spoke.

"Erm, I- like, I-..."  I turned and found a small guy,he was leaning against the lockers with crossed arms, and the most beautiful intriguing eyes. His eyes showed something else from the smirk on his face. His eyes made me feel something, like if he had seen other worlds that no on has ever. He showed a lot of different people inside one, of you stared for so long (like I was doing right now) you could sort of hint something like vulneraility. But anyways, they were the bluest eyes ever. A clear waterfall keeping so so many secrets that I'd like to discover one by one.

"You..." He laughed. I was beyond embarrased. "You've got them around your pinky finger, huh? You're the king of the world, big boy?" His eyes were now playfull. And it was gorgeous. He was indeed gorgeous. I was probaly red as a tomato. "C'mon, go on, you were giving me a good laugh. Continue, let's just pretend I'm not here, I'll try to be quiet while laughing. And like you can even-"

"Hey hey hey. What is it all about?" I tried to be cool. This gorgeous, pretty little boy was being so direct with me.  

He laughed again. Pretty. 

"What? You said.... pretty? Oh god, this is the flavor everyone is practically falling around? You? really?"


"I'm not like you think, not the typical brainless jock that enjoys being a dick and stuff like that." I wanted him to know that. I wanted to come completely clean to him. I clearly don't know why. I usually let people to get to know me, and after not so much, they all realize that I am something else.

He chuckled.

"Yeah... you're probably taller."

What?... wait... what?!

He started laughing hysterically. And for a moment, just someone being so playfull and cheerful was nice. He wasn't afraid of saying things that probably were right,  or from what I can see, to bug me.

But I guess that what surprised me the most was what he said when he calmed down.

"Well, your life seems so easy, you get the good grades, the friends, you always get invited to everyone's party, and like, it took me an hour to know that on my first day here because of the big game on Friday. But you... you help people, people like that Joshua guy. And it's just some weird combination, really. But well, you are the king, the God in here. And I just can think of enough cheerleaders that you might have slept with-"

I could only think about how could I not noticehim earlier with his pretty eyes, jouful laugh, practically breathing sarcasm,  and delicious frame.

"But whatever, you must be something else." He sighed prettily, gosh, he was so tiny. And he just turned around and left.

I was probably smiling because...  I don't know.

Oh damn, I didn't catch his name, or his grade, or maybe we have a class together, or luch. I don't care, I need to see him again. I want him to keep talking to me, because he's honest... and pretty.

Colour My Life With The Chaos Of Trouble- IanthonyWhere stories live. Discover now