ºColor My Life .-3º

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Ian stared at the football player for a little, he didn't felt like having a strange conversation again, he didn't wanted new people onto his life. But then again. it was late, and he really needed to get some homework done for this week if he didn't wanted to fail. Ian sighed and reluctantly nodded, and Anthony grinned while Ryan just sat there, being awkward.

"Detention, huh?" Anthony tried to get anything from that pretty Ian boy.

"Uh, yeah... fell asleep when I should have been doing my homework- well actually, I followed "the inspiration instinct" and stayed up 'till three in the morning I think? Yeah, well I fell asleep on the library and didn't get any work done and I arrived late to History for like twenty minutes."

Anthony was unbelievably fascinated, of course... Pretty Ian boy had to follow the inspiration instinct or whatever it was.

"Inspiration instinct, what's that?" And of course, Anthony forgot Ryan was there.

"Uh, I paint. And my therapist says... nothing. I-I, I just really like to paint." Anthony was a little surprised when he heard the word therapist... and he noticed how Ian got tense and how he obviously didn't finished the statement.

The car fell onto and awful silence.

"I... were...-" Ian was looking down. "Ian, your address."

"You were going somewhere, right? Just leave me at the end of the road."

"But it's already raining. C'mon."

"I said, at the end of the road. Please." Ian said rather weakly, and he felt as if he had this sad vibe all around him, and that feeling soon got Anthony into thinking that he messed up badly.

"I- okay." Anthony felt weak himself, he felt like if he protested, Ian would jump out of the truck and do something stupid, because he obviously didn't wanted to stick around with them.
Anthony spared another glance to the small boy next to him and unlocked the door, Ian was quick to open the door and just go.

"I didn't expected that to happen." Muttered Ryan as he struggled a little to pass himself to the passenger's seat without having to step out of the car.

Ian walked to his room and changed his wet clothes. He sat in his bed for a little not knowing exactly what to do, say, or even how to think. Last year had been really hard, VERY hard. He felt awfully stupid or just stupid enough to say a word about his therapist. He didn't wanted to repeat last year, not at all, it took him months to stop hating around and feeling like that, it took him months of self-therapy before admitting he was in trouble.

He had his iPod ready for one of those days and half of a cigarettes pack. Let the long night begin, Ian thought. And so he did, Ian stared at the gloomy afternoon so pale and grey like him, and listened carefully to Morrissey.

"And if you have five seconds to spare, then I'll tell you the story of my life. Sixteen, clumsy and shy..."

It had really been a long year. His room was soon invaded by the smoke, and he felt dead, he opened the window a little and tossed the Marlboro pack somewhere into the floor.

Anthony sat next to Ryan just being quiet, everyone was cheering and laughing, and Anthony would have been to, really, but he had a certain blue eyed boy stuck in his head, how his expression changed, how he felt like he had messed up when he mentioned the therapist, something wasn't right.

Colour My Life With The Chaos Of Trouble- IanthonyWhere stories live. Discover now