°Color My Life.-2°

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Ian pressed the play button to his stereo to Louder Than The Bombs by The Smiths, and in a moment, Ask Me was playing loudly around his messy room.

Ian was in boxers, and he sang the chorus as he picked up a thin brush and he mixed some colours to get a light blue, and he started moving his hand gracefully in the canvas.

Around three in the morning, Ian would be finishing the last details, it beautiful. In the painting, was a small blue eyed boy painting the night on a grey evening. It wasn't nothing stunning, Ian thought, just something to spend time and not do any homework. He walked to the closet and unfolded a big Ramones shirt and went to bed.

"Tomorrow for sure, I ain't going to be early for school..."


When he woke up was already late. He jumped into the shower, trying to scrub away the paint on his knee and torso, he got dressed and brushed a little his hair, not caring how he'd look, grabbed his school bag and ran downstairs.

The walk from his house to school wasn't long, a few minutes later, he was standing outside the building and was quick enough to rush to his locker.

The bell rang and everyone was walking to their classes.

How great, he thought.

"So if I'm already for Math, then I might start History homework right now." Ian muttered as he scanned his locker for something to have for breakfast so he could resist 'till fourth period.

"Shit, forgot about the stupid research work... but nooo... I had to follow inspiration instinct,  and paint 'till it was freaking done. Smooth, Ian, smooth..."

"Hey." He heard form behind making him jump.

"Shit." He turned around to see the same tall brown eyed jock from yesterday wearing the typical football red and white jacket over some whit t shirt and some ripped jeans, white converse on.

"Oh... it's you. Hi." He breathed out, he felt really tired. He should stop "following the inspiration instinct" four times a week for a while.

"Hi." Anthony had that dumb grin on hi face and said nothing for a while until Ian raised his brows and pretended to cough.

And if Anthony hadn't already embarrassed himself enough,  he had to fucking stutter.

"Y-yeah... about yesterday. I-I think that you're wrong. You don't even know me, you can't have an opinion about me."

Ian shrugged not really caring, just something he said, no biggie.

"Okay then, you are different, have you got two cocks?" Ian said with a small knowing smirk full of sarcasm, that comment made Anthony open his eyes in disbelief and cover Ian's mouth quickly, and looking everywhere for someone to be around.

"What?! No, of course not. Don't say stuff like that, someone could be listening." His face was flushing red, and in a minute Ian was bursting into laughing.

"Yeah. Fine, now if you excuse me-" He held his heavy history book to his face and a small notebook. "... I have to get five chapters of this shit, to this notebook and make it look from a week ago for History class in forty minutes."

Ian started to walk away, leaving Anthony speechless again and blushing like mad... again.


Colour My Life With The Chaos Of Trouble- IanthonyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant