ºColour My Life.-4º

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Anthony sat down on Ian's living room as the younger one went to get a towel, Anthony looked around not actually feeling uncomfortable on the house he had never been before, the painting was neatly placed next to him. The room was grey because of the lights weren't on and the weather outside was cloudy, so the natural light was the only thing.

"Here." He heard Ian speak again, and not even he had given Anthony the blue towel, he was walking in direction of the kitchen, and Anthony had no idea of what to say.

After a few minutes, Ian was back, and he sat on the other couch, right next to the one Anthony was sitting and they both shared a look that only lasted a few seconds before Ian looked away and sighed.

"What exactly do you want to know?" Ian took Anthony by surprise, making the brown eyed almost choke with his own words. Anthony debated weather to actually take the opportunity and go for it, straight to the point where he confessed his growing love to the little guy or pretend he was talking like a crazy and leave. In the middle of the storm.

 Yeah... and Anthony was ready to run to his car, until he heard the thunder, and then a whimper.

He turned to look at Ian, and he somehow looked smaller. Ian wrapped his arms around himself and looked pretty nervous.

"You...  Ian, are you okay?" What a dumb question, Anthony wanted to slap himself.

"What's wrong with you?" Ian suddenly barked, and Anthony had a big question mark on his face, and Ian went on.

"Why do you keep following me? Why are you obsessed with me? I-"

Thunder. Flinch, Whimper. Cry.

"I'm sorry, I- I don't know what to say, or what do you want me to say, I am just so sorry. I didn't mean to." Anthony started to ramble, and he had no idea of why was he apologizing, he just felt the need to do it, because Ian was mad at him, or looked as if he was mad. And Anthony had long time ago, probably before he realized, that he wanted to do anything to keep Ian happy, just happy and never see any sadness or anger tears on him.

"Don't..." Ian had barely time to speak before his voice got caught on his throat, and Anthony had no idea of what was he doing, but he stoop up and sat next to Ian, practically cornering Ian into the armrest. Anthony carefully wrapped the blue eyed boy with his left arm and when Ian actually accepted his touch and leaned onto it, he was practically jumping because of the happiness inside.

"It's okay. It's okay." Anthony tried to soothe Ian carefully and slowly with his voice, and Ian was practically on his lap when they saw the lightning and heard the thunder.

With the time, Ian was slowly starting to cuddle Anthony, hiding his face on Anthony's chest and tightening his hold (that came eventually with the storm) with his small arms, one lowly down Anthony's shoulder and the other on Anthony's middle, the taller boy had both of his arms holding Ian now, and the storm came to an end and Ian was half asleep on his chest now. 

What Anthony really wanted to do was to nuzzle his nose into Ian's soft looking hair and kiss everywhere on his face, specially on that cute button nose. But then, Ian stared moving, mostly when the thunderstorm was totally gone. Ian looked up at Anthony, and Anthony tired to avoid eye contact.

"I'm sorry. It just happens sometimes, for real, like I don't know if its the thunder but it's rare. I- I'm just sorry." Ian slowly stood up from Anthony's lap, and he looked down at his feet; Anthony mentally groaned, he wanted to grab Ian by the waist and bring him back to his lap and just keep him there forever.

Colour My Life With The Chaos Of Trouble- IanthonyWhere stories live. Discover now