15: The Talk

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Hey! Sorry I haven't posted since Christmas Eve :(. Btw if any of you guys read my completed book 'A love worth fighting for (Ezria)' it some how deleted. I didn't delete but I don't know, sorry bout that :( anyway on with the chapter :).

Chloe's POV

I walked home; annoyed. Why the hell did Lucy want and then I Remembered how it left.

Oh god, she wants to she the 'talk' yay.

I walked through the door and notice that Ian wasn't their but Lucy was having a coffee in the kitchen.

"Hey" I said causally and tried my best to walk quickly to the elevator so I didn't have to talk but I was to slow....

"Hey Chloe. I want to talk to you" Lucy said putting her coffee and magazine down.

"Yes" I said through clenched teeth and slowly turned around.

"Do we need to talk about um this morning...?" She asked.

Wait! Did I hear correctly was she giving me a option?

"No, no we don't" I said happily.

"Okay good." She replied and I gave her a warm smile before semi-jogging to the elevator.

I walked in and shuffled my playlist and logged into my computer.

I opened my instant message and saw all my friends have replied to my group message.

Kiyah replied: Oh my gosh Chloe!!! Are you okay!! Please reply.

Leah replied: Chloe we all miss you! Were gonna come get you!!!!

Eryn: I miss you Chloe omg!!! Come home!!!

Sharna replied: Come home Chloe were all freaking out ahh!!!!

Jade replied: Are you okay? Please reply and btw PLL that's so cool!

Aww I miss my friends so much...

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