16: School... Great.

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Chloe's POV

So today I was going to start school. Great.

I'm really nervous I told Lucy that I don't want anyone knowing that your guys are my parents cause then everyone will just be like "Oh look her parents are famous lets just be friends with her so we can meet them" yeah no.

And Taylor hasn't called or text me I'm starting to think that he doesn't even want to. He is so hot he probably has like 2 girlfriends. At that thought I sighed but I'm sure there will be plenty of hot guys at my new school and at that thought I smiled.

I grabbed my handbag and locked the door and walked towards my bus stop.

I put my headphones it and listen to my Little Mix/One Direction playlist.

I saw my bus pull up and I hopped on and put my bus pass in and walked down the isle and saw Taylor.

Wait!? Taylor.

I walked up to him and saw he was siting alone so I sat next to him and I saw the rest of the kids give me weird looks, hmm I wonder why?

"Hey Taylor" I said taking my headphones out.

"C-Chloe uh what are you doing here" He stuttered to ask me.

"Uh I'm going to school at Jackson High" I said nervously.

"Me too!" He smiled. He was so cute when smiles.. Snap out of it Chloe! Remember he probably has 2 girlfriends maybe 3.

The rest of the ride was awkward silence till I broke and decided to be brave.

"Why haven't you texted or called me?" I said not looking at him; I was to chicken.

"Um I-I was busy" He said following my actions by not looking at me. I guessed it didn't I?

"Right busy...." I said getting ready to put my other headphone in which basically meant that this conversation is over.

"No Chloe it not what you think it just that um now that your going to my school you um know something um I-"

Damn it!

We were at school now.

Taylor and I walked out together and we reached the school doors.

"I um I have a have some stuff to do right now so I'll um see you later" Taylor said before running away.


Taylor POV

I walked alway to chess club. The truth was I was kinda of the school loser and now that Chloe and I are kinda of a thing I'm hoping that will change but hopefully she won't ditch me when she realize that I'm a nerdy loser and it not like it would matter to her I mean she probably has heaps of guys begging to be with her, so she doesn't need me.

I made my way to the Chess club room and we started well we kinda of play a different kinda of chess well we gamble we each it put in $15 in a game and who ever wins get $35 which is pretty good and I'm not gonna brag but I usually win.

Lucy's POV

I was so nervous today. My baby was going to high school I mean I know this isn't the her first day of high school but it feels like it.

Ian and I had the day off and right now we were cuddling in a bedroom watching TV.

"How do you think Chloe is going" I asked.

"Stop worrying babe she be fine" He said rubbing my shoulders and the started kissing them and I think you know what happened next.....

Hey! So I thought I would through some Lucian in their but like I said before; this isn't really a Lucian fic cuz I wanted to write a story that wasn't a fan fiction but I didn't so this is like my way of doing both :) so yeh!

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