17: Replys can be a bitch.

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Chloe's POV

I haven't seen Taylor all day since he ran off in the morning.

I've made some friends today and some guys tried to ask me out but I rejected them in the nicest way of course.

So right now I'm sitting at my lunch table constantly looking for Taylor but he seems to be nowhere weird..

I decided to text him.

Hey Taylor It's me I was just wondering where you where I haven't seen you all day.

I pressed send hoping he would replay. Maybe he in the one of the storage closet making out with one of his many girlfriends and maybe I'm just that pathetic girl who wouldn't go away. I sighed a looked at the nachos that were in front me, all the girls at my table were having salads which made me a little insecure but who cares they can have their salads and I can have my nachos.

Taylor's POV

The guys and I were in sitting in out usual spot under the bleachers in the school oval, we realized that if we sit under neath here that we don't get disturbed or bullied and it's easier.

We were discussing the latest episode of Doctor Who when my phone buzzed and I went to get it but my best friend, Jacob stole the phone of me.

"Hey Taylor, It's me I was just wondering where you where I haven't seen you all day. And it from Chloe Shaw!?" He read out my text and all the guys jaws dropped when Jacob read who it was from.

"Dude, who did you get Chloe?!" Robert asked.

"We met at the mall and I bought her a smoothie." I said.

Some where saying stuff like "wow that's so cool" and others were like "why wasn't I at the mall."

"So aren't you going to reply to her?" Justin asked.

"I don't know when she finds out I'm a nerd she gonna run away." I said looking down.

"Right. Well you still need to text her back otherwise she going to think your avoiding her." Jason said.

"Yeh I guess." I said but I couldn't work up a reply but I finally came up with something.

Um yeah sorry about that I actually have something to tell you so can we meet up under the bleachers after school?

I pressed send and waited for a reply.


Was all I got.

I sighed and the bell rang for the last period so I head up went to class.

Okay I'm going to leave it their....

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