Chapter 13

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Emily's PoV

"So how has everyone been?" I ask, cuddled up to Jasper. 

"To be honest, we all missed you and your sister," Caleb replies. 

"Yeah it wasn't the same, we tried to go out and do family things," Rose says. 

"But without you it felt wrong, we missed your sarcastic remarks and how you could go from being extremely immature to serious within seconds," Emmett says. 

"It's clear to see that you belong in this family, Emily," Carlisle insights. 

"You make not only Jasper happy but all of us," Esme compliments. I blush at her words and smile in response. 

"I didn't realise I meant that much to all of you. I knew that I made you all feel human but I never realised that my presence had such a positive impact on your family," I say, smiling. I then look towards Jasper. 

"Alice told me that you isolated yourself from everyone, is that true?" I ask him. 

"Yes it is, I felt guilty for what I did to you. I chose to let my emotions consume me. Turns out I'm not as strong as you think I am," he answers. 

"Jasper, you should now that controlling you emotions isn't always as easy as you might think, it's okay to give in every now and then, sometimes you need to," I reply. He nods understanding where I'm coming from. 

"So what happened after we left?" Caleb asked. 

"Do you really want to know?" I question, glancing around at all them who nodded in response. 

"Okay, well after I left your house I went home to my sister who had broken down, she looked like her heart had literally been ripped in two. I helped my dad look after her, she became my rock for my emotions, helping her regain a sense of reality helped me distracted myself. It went on like this for a few months until me and Bella went to hang out with our childhood friend Jacob down on the reservation," I inform them. I felt Jasper tense up beside me along with the others in the room.

"He helped me and Bella fix up some motorbikes since Bella wanted to learn how to ride them, I know what you thinking, that's pretty reckless, well that exactly how I felt, anyhow I let her do it because she was starting to socialise again. We kept working on the bikes until they were finished. We then tested them out. Bella went first but fell of and hurt herself. I refused to have a go and so we went back home. Once we got there Bella explained to me that she was hallucinating seeing Edward and I let go of the feelings I bottled up and broke down in front of her. She comforted me," I tell them. 

"Wait, so Bella hallucinated about Edward everytime she did something reckless?" Carlisle asked me. 

"Yes, she did, I'm pretty sure that is why she went cliff diving and Alice thought she was dead, when she wasn't," I reply. 

"Very unusual,"Carlisle mutters. 

"It's crazy isn't it," I say.

"Anyway, after what happened with the bikes, Jacob pretty much disappeared and we didn't know why. We confronted him about it and found that he had cut all his hair of and gotten a tattoo. Confused, me and Bella went away and the next day Bella took me out to go to the meadow where her and Edward used to hang out. While we were there we came in contact with Laurent," I inform them. 

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