New Character: Tamaki

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How They Find You

Tamaki walked to his car as he loosened his tie. He stopped when he heard a small cry. He walked over to the place he heard it and saw a small baby. His eyes widened before he picked her up.
Tamaki looked around as he heard her. "No one's here for you...It's okay, princess! I'll take care of you!"

How The Others Find Out

Tamaki was playing around with the baby girl. He was holding up a small stuffed animal in front of his daughter. The girl giggled as she reached for the toy.
Tamaki heard a phone ring. He picks (Y:N) up and walked over to the phone. He puts the phone to his ear.
"Tamaki...why did I see you buying baby clothes and toys?" It was Haruhi.
"I found this girl alone. I adopted her!" Tamaki said as he smiled.
"You what?"

What Everyone Else Thinks About You

* Haruhi: "...I still can't get over the fact that Tamaki has a child now."
* Kyoya: "Tamaki's daughter? I don't know what to think of her. I don't see her a lot."
* Honey: "I love playing with (Y/N) when I visit! She's so cute!"
* Mori: "..."(He likes her.)
* Hikaru: "I try to play with her, but I don't think she likes me."
* Kaoru: "She likes me more than Hikaru. She's adorable!"

How Old Are You

(Y/N) is about three months old.

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