New Character: Yurio

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(Yuri will still be fifteen in this.)

How They Find You

Yuri sighed as he walked into an alley. He was heading back home when he head a crying sound. He stopped and looked around before seeing a small baby girl. He stared at her before going over to her.

He looked around as he put his lips together. He sighed and picked her up. He looked around. There was no one around.

"I guess time you're father now," Yuri said before calling his female couch as he walked to his apartment.

How The Others Find Out

Lilia walked into her student's apartment with her ex husband. They saw Yuri with a baby girl to his chest. He was rocking her the best that he could. Lilia and Yakov looked at each other. He wasn't joking.

"Yuri, are you sure you want to raise a kid?" Yakov slowly asked.

Yuri looked up at his male couch. He nodded. "She was all alone. I can't leave her alone again."

Lilia understood what Yuri was talking about. She walked over and sat down by him. She stared telling him how to take care of a kid.

What Everyone Else Thinks About You

* Lilia: "(Y/N) is a sweet girl. I'm glad she ended up with Yuri."
* Yakov: "I understand why he took her in, but I still want him to be able to practice more."
* Viktor: "Wait...Yurio has a kid?"
(I can't think about anyone else to add to this scenario. Tell me if you can think of anymore, and I'll add them.)

How Old Are You

(Y/N) is about seven months old.

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