Chapter Four: I Make Friends With An Enemy

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Headmaster Voren made his way back to his office as I made my way down to the Nurse. On my way there, I couldn't help but look outside at the cheerleaders. Big racks and short skirts! Jackpot! I thought as a huge smile formed on my face. I couldn't believe how hot the girls were. They each had long, wavy hair. Some were blondes, some were brunettes, and some were redheads. At that point, I didn't give two damns about Xorale. I was in titty heaven. The cheerleaders were nailing their routine too. They each wore a short black skirt with a red button up top. Definitely gonna keep that image for the nut buster later, I thought.

"Aye, perv." A voice said from behind me. I froze in my place. "Relax, kid. I'm just giving you shit."

I turned around to see Silver. He was tall and had lengthy blond hair. He had a smooth, chill tone to his voice that I actually found quite soothing.

"If you're looking for your brother in the nurse's office, you won't find him. She ordered us to go back to our dorms for the remainder of the day. Plus, it's recommended that we only battle and meditate once a day. It puts too much strain on the students otherwise."

Why is Goldie Locks giving me advice? Ah hell, who cares?

Soon, I found that we were surrounded by hot chicks. I wasn't complaining. However, they seemed more interested in Silver, which was fine by me. I had no clue how to talk to a girl. Not to mention, the last girl that I tried to talk to tried to drown my brother and I. I couldn't help but stare at the girl though. They were gorgeous. However, Silver didn't seem too interested. Instead he kept quiet and pulled me aside.

"Also, something you should keep in mind..." Silver continued. "I found that meditation on strictly my element helped me gain better control over it. It used to be that whenever I got really happy, my powers would come out. Each element is triggered by a certain emotion. For light, it's happiness. For Nick, who controls darkness, he would have to be pretty down and depressed. For Vicky, she always had water control when she was calm and collected. Seven had to be happy and free flowing to summon air. Your brother, Emerson, I am not too sure about. But I would have to say that his would be triggered when he is extremely stubborn. Yours, as you probably guessed, is triggered by anger and rage."

That honestly made perfect sense, even though I kept getting distracted by the babes that followed us. They kept begging for attention. Much to my surprise, a few of them began talking to me. They kept saying things like "Silver, you're so hot!" or "Silver, notice me!!!" And on a different note, they said things to me like "You're pretty cute" or "Aren't you the guy that kicked Vicky's ass?" As cool as it was to make an impression, it wasn't what I wanted to be noticed for. I broke free of the crowd and began running to my dorm. I didn't care about all the attention that attempted to follow me. I just wanted to get to my brother.

Making my way through the halls while all the girls wanted attention was like pressing through a soft mattress. I had to gently press my way through while I made my way up the stairs. Once I got to the top, I had a clear shot for the dorm. I put all my energy into running and made a beeline straight for my room. Finally! I thought as I ran. Finally, I'm free from that nightmare! I was so close to getting to my dorm when suddenly.... SMACK!!! My feet went out from under me as a slap sent me falling backwards. I hit the ground with a thud. My ass hurt so hard from hitting the ground, I would have thought that I had left a trail of smoke. I guarantee that I had a red handprint on my face from it too. What in the titties? I thought as I looked up to see Vicky looking down at me with a smirk.

"Watch it, kid," she said with a goofy tone to her voice.

"I almost turned you into barbeque," I responded. "Are you sure you wanna slap me right now?"

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