Chapter Six: I Blow Up My School

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I immediately awoke from my meditation and the whole sky around the school was covered in darkness. I looked out the window to see mummified people charging at the school. Their purple eyes showing no emotion. They just seemed there for one thing: To kill or be killed. The dark little creatures came breaking through the walls and charging through the classrooms. The students began running in panic. The mummified minions attacked at the students. The school had suddenly become a battleground. A few of the mummies attacked at Nick, who drew a staff with skulls at the end of it. He began radiating a black energy. He proceeded to swing at them, sending them flying backwards with screams of pain. Soon, a few more of them were on Nick's six.

"Watch out!" I yelled, creating two flames in my hands and clapping, sending a wave of fire at the mummies behind Nick.

Nick rolled forward and swung at more of the mummies in front of him. Soon, we found ourselves back to back with an entire ring of evil minions around us. Then, out of nowhere, a bright flash of light hit around us and all the mummies were stunned. They dropped to the ground like sacks of potatoes. What just happened? I thought as Silver landed in front of us.

"Need some help, brother?" Silver asked Nick, who was grinning.

"Thanks, Silver," Nick responded.

"I thought you fuckers hated each other," I interrupted.

"Not hate," Nick replied. "I just was tired of always losing to him."

Well that makes sense, I thought. Suddenly, another wave of mummies came charging at us. As they ran, they were crushing between two boulders and blown out with a gust of wind. Emerson and Seven then ran towards us and stood by us. Then something hit me. Where's Vicky? I made a beeline for the nurse's office. I threw fire at anything in my way or anything that attacked me. As I got closer to the office, I heard a scream. I burned the door down and made my way inside. Vicky was surrounded and the nurse had been killed. Her body lay on the ground in a pool of blood.

"Hey! Assholes!" I yelled at the mummies, who then turned to face me. "You want some? Come and get it."

The mummies immediately started charging at me, screeching and growling. I put my hands together, creating a ball of fire. I then threw it at a couple of them, sending them into an instant inferno. I jumped over a few of them and landed by Vicky, picking up her sword and attacking more of the enemies. One of the mummies jumped at me. Before I knew it, I had sliced the bastard in half, mainly off of instinct. I closed my eyes for a second, as more mummies came running in. I focused my energy to the sword, which then caught fire. I charged at the mummies, slicing them and sending them into flames. However, so many of them kept pouring into the nurse's office that I was outnumbered and I knew I couldn't keep it up for much longer. One mummy managed to land a punch on me, knocking me to the ground. I slashed at it's legs and it burst into flames. I threw waves of fire to at least buy me a little more time.

"Rick," Vicky cried from behind me. "You've got to get out of here!"

"Not without you," I replied, decapitating a mummy as it ran at me. "Can you run?"

Vicky shook her head. "I'm barely able to stand. Just go without me."

"That's not gonna happen," I replied.

Suddenly, the ground cracked apart underneath the mummies. The whole office shook rapidly as Emerson ran in, a green energy radiating off his body. The mummies behind us were blown away by a wave of pure wind as Seven jumped into the room, slicing and dicing as he made his way in. Silver created a flash of light and Nick cut the mummies in half.

"Let's get out of here," Nick said. "We have to get to the Headmaster."

I nodded. I set the sword that I had aside and grabbed Vicky. I carried her in my arms as we ran out of the nurse's office. When we got outside, I couldn't believe my eyes. The whole school was in ruin and disaster. Mummies came running at us from all directions. Emerson stomped and the whole place went into an earthquake. Let's bring some heat, I thought. I handed Vicky to Nick and I ran and jumped, summoning as much fire as I possibly could. I flipped in the air and shot the fire into the cracks in the ground from Emerson's earthquake. Suddenly, there was a field of molten rock around us. All the mummies that surrounded us burned instantly. I grabbed Vicky from Nick.

"Emerson, send us flying upstairs," Nick said. "The sooner we get to Voren, the better."

Emerson closed his eyes and punched the ground, boosting us all up into the air and to the upper level of the school. We began running as soon as we landed. I looked Vicky in the eyes as we took a turn and ran from more mummies. She had a look of fear on her face.

"It's gonna be alright," I said, purple clouds of dark energy surrounding us.

As the darkness took over, Silver counteracted it with flashes of light. I looked up from Vicky and looked down the hall to see Voren, holding his own against a whole group of mummies. I ran straight towards him, the group following behind me. Mummies attempted to jump at Voren and he froze them in mid air cutting them apart. I knew I had to help him. Then I had an idea. What if I managed to blow out fire? I thought. I closed my eyes, once again focusing. I could feel my energy radiating. I opened my eyes and inhaled the deepest breath of my life. I transferred my energy from my core to my breath. I blew out and a gigantic flame shot out with pure veracity. I hit every mummy that I aimed for.

Voren smiled. "I'm glad you guys are alright." Voren then proceeded to open a portal with his staff. It took us to a hill, overlooking the school. He signaled us to go through and we didn't waste any time. I ran through that portal quicker than a football player going for a touchdown. Nick, Silver, and Emerson followed me. I looked back to see Seven shoot a blast of air, sending the mummies away from following us through the portal. Voren stepped through. I looked down at the school from the hill. The whole place was under siege.

"Come on, Seven!" Vicky cried from my arms. He came running through and Voren shut the portal.

We all took a minute to catch our breath. I looked at Vicky.

"You alright?" I asked her.

"Much better now," she whispered, smiling beautifully.

She pulled herself up and kissed me on the cheek. I could feel myself blushing. I had to have been redder than a beet. Then Voren walked over to me.

"Rick," he said, coldly. "I need your help."

I nodded, setting Vicky down on the ground, gently. Voren held out his hands, generating a white radiation from his body. Suddenly, a giant ball of energy formed in his hands.

"Add as much fire as you can," Voren then ordered, the ball of pure energy growing larger and larger.

I focused on my core and transmitted as much fire as I could through my arms, I poured it all into the ball that Voren was making. What is this even for? I thought. What is Voren trying to do? I kept giving all my energy to the ball. I could feel my body growing weaker. My vision began to blur and I dropped to my knees.

"That's enough," Voren said, allowing me to stop before I passed out.

Voren then took the ball and threw it at the school. All of us gasped as we saw the ball shoot towards the school. Voren remained silent, watching his strike intently. I started getting really dizzy as I watched. The ball hit the school and was engulfed in a blast of energy and fire. The walls blew in all directions. The ground where the school had stood was a crater in the ground. The whole place was annihilated on the spot. That was all I saw as the dizziness got worse and everything went black... 

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