Chapter Ten: We Sneak Out and Start a War

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The full moon shone in the sky with a collage of stars surrounding it. I stared out the window, patiently waiting. Emerson watched down the hall at Voren's room, watching to see when the light would shut off. I moved back from the window, making my way to my closet. I grabbed grabbed my backpack. I began loading it with weapons and everything else that we would need. 

"I think the Headmaster is going to bed," Emerson whispered. I looked around the corner to see Voren's lights shut completely off. Emerson proceeded to grab his bag as Starla put a dagger in her leg holster. She put a knife in each one of her pockets. I shut the light off to our room. I lit a small flame from my finger to light the way as we made our way out of the room and down the hall. We lightly stepped down the stairs and tiptoed to the front door.

"Where do you think you're going?" Nick asked, revealing himself from a cloaking cloud of darkness. We paused, assuming we were as good as caught.

"We're not letting you go anywhere," Silver added, walking up to us with Seven and Vicky.

"So you're just gonna fuck me once and leave without saying goodbye?" Vicky chuckled, causing me to blush immediately. "Just kidding, cutie. We're gona help you guys get Xorale, rather you like it or not."

"Sounds good to me," I said. "Let's go."

We began making our way out the front door when I realized Emerson stood still, his jaw to the floor. I wasn't moving. He was basically a statue. His eyes looked like he had seen a ghost.

"You coming man?" I asked.

"Did I hear that right?" Emerson replied, answering a question with a question. "You fucked her???"

"Yes, child," I replied. "Now can we get out of here?"

"Yeah. You're gonna be telling me about this shit later."

I nodded, not giving a damn about what came later. I turned and we continued making our way down the street. The cool midnight breeze blew against me as we walked. I couldn't help but think about what was in store for us. I'd barely just gotten to the school and now here I was, about to go fighting the man who killed my father and threw the world into chaos. I'm a fucking idiot, I thought as I looked over at Vicky, who was walking right beside me. But looking at her brought my mind to ease. Her brown wavy hair waved in the night wind. Her gorgeous eyes sparkled in the moonlight. I looked over at Emerson and Starla, who were getting acquainted and catching up. Silver and Seven were telling jokes while Nick walked alone, a gloomy look on his face.

"Thank you for coming," I whispered to Vicky. "It means a lot."

"You're welcome," she replied, smiling. "It's the least I could do."

We made our way down to a main street and waited for the bus. I figured it was the easiest way to get out of town. "Cause knowing our luck, we would try to use our powers to teleport and end up blowing ourselves to bits. And I would have liked to get some at least once more before I blew myself up.

"So, water huh?" I asked as we sat there.

Vicky nodded, "Yep. And I fell for the dingus that controls fire."

We both chuckled. "I can't believe you fell for me."

"Well, I did. And you seem unsure if you feel the same or not."

"No. I have it figured out."

I smiled at her and kissed her. I held it for a good while. I could feel her lips smiling against mine. But suddenly, everything around us began shaking. We all hit the floor. Great... Cock blocked by disaster. I got to my feet as darkness demented mummies surrounded us. They charged us. Nick clapped his hands and a wave of darkness shot at them. Vicky summoned water out of the sewers and drowned a few. Seven created a tornado and sent a few up them shooting off as if they were a rocket ship. Silver shot light beams at them, deterring them. Emerson stomped and made spikes of earth come up, stabbing the mummies. Starla electrified her blades and threw them into the mummies. Soon, we were completely surrounded though, despite our efforts. I focused on my core.

"Everyone, get down... NOW!!!" I ordered, shooting fire at all directions, turning all the mummies to ash. Afterwards, I collapsed to the ground, completely out of energy. Next thing I knew, everything went dark.


When I awoke, we were on the bus heading out of town. We were relying on Nick because Voren had told him where Xorale's headquarters was. I opened my eyes to look up and see Vicky's tits. She was clothed, of course, but she had my head on her lap.

"Well this is a nice view," I said.

Vicky chuckled. I sat up, and she kissed my cheek. The others were doing their own thing. I looked out the window and took a deep breath. Vicky grabbed my hand, which was comforting. And Starla and Emerson handed me some pizza that they must have gotten while I was passed out. I bit into the gooey, cheesy pizza as I tried to keep my head from feeling like I was drowning. Vicky wrapped her arms around me. I turned my head to Nick.

"So, where are we gonna find Xorale?" I asked Nick.

"His base is hidden deep in New York," Nick replied. "We're gonna have to sneak our way into the museum downtown there and we can summon the portal to his realm of darkness. From there, the real battle begins."

Next thing I knew, our bus reached its stop in Kansas. We made our way off the bus and into town. I didn't know exactly what was in store for us, but I knew in my heart that it was something that none of us had faced before.

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