Chapter Nine: My Father Makes His Last Stand

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I stood in the family room, paralyzed as my mind overflowed with memories of the past. Emerson and Starla gazed at me, their concern becoming more and more clear on their faces. I heard Emerson saying my name over and over. But soon, it wasn't his voice that said it. Soon, it was my father's voice and I was back to the past.


I was about seven or eight years old. I sat in my room with Emerson, drinking hot cocoa and playing with legos. It had been about four months since Starla had gone off to her foster home. Outside, the rain poured down without ease. The radio was playing some good old classic rock as we played. It was a calm, stormy afternoon. I watched lightning strike in the sky and then I waited to hear the thunder, counting the seconds in between.

"Rick, Emerson, do you guys want some calzones for dinner?" Dad yelled from downstairs in a chippy voice.

"Yes please!" I called as loud as I could, while a huge smile grew on Emerson's face.

"Rick, we get calzones!" Emerson exclaimed. Soon, there was a gentle shake that rumbled the house. However, we thought nothing of it at the time. Back then, we had no clue that elemental powers even existed.

I smiled at the thought of dinner. Dad's calzones were the best. He always made the crust cheese filled and he would always put homemade marinara sauce and pineapple and Canadian bacon in it. Then, he would top it off with garlic powder and let it bake. The smell rose all the way into our bedroom. It was mouthwatering. I couldn't wait for dinner to be ready.

After about half an hour, Emerson and I were out in the front yard, playing tag. There were no worries and we ran around, carelessly getting soaked by the downpouring rain. I ran after Emerson. He was a quick little sucker. I had slipped in a patch of mud and fell face first. Emerson stopped.

"Rick, are you okay?!" Emerson called, running over to me and rolling me over, to reveal my laughter at the situation.

"Hey, kiddos," Dad said from the front door. "The calzones are ready!"

We immediately ran inside. My heart was pounding from running and my stomach was making noises that you would hear in a Star Wars film. I made my way to the dinner table, worn out from playing tag. I could feel my eyelids getting heavy as I sat down by Emerson.

"Two calzones for my little buddies," Dad said, bringing out two steaming calzones to the table. "Enjoy guys!"

I didn't wait for the calzones to cool down. I scarfed that food down like it was going out of style. I didn't even feel the heat of it as I chowhounded bite after bite. Emerson was doing the same. We ate our dinner like it was the last time we'd ever have it. Sadly enough, though. That was the last time we ever had it. Halfway through dinner, Dad came rushing into the room, picked us up, and ran up stairs to my bedroom.

"Stay here, boys," he ordered. "And no matter what you do, do not leave this room. Got it?"

"Yes sir," Emerson and I said in unison. I had no clue what was going on. I just knew that the urgency in Dad's voice was enough to get me to listen.

Dad left the room, closing the door behind him. I was freaking out. I knew it was something serious. I peeked out the window to see dark evil creatures running towards the house. Their skin was black as a jet and their veins lit up a bright purple. In the middle of all of them stood a hooded figure walking towards the house, menacingly.

"Who do you think that is?" Emerson asked, as quiet as he could be.

"I don't know," I replied. "But it doesn't look good."

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