mom,dad meet Catherine_22

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♡♡♡♢A MONTH LATER♡♡♡♡♡
I sat on my king size bed looking restless,there was a knock at my door"come in"I yelled to whoever was knocking

"Morning son,why didn't you come for breakfast?"

I stood up moving towards the window "mom,i do not have the apettite to eat"

"You have been like this for some days now"

"Mother please let me be"

"Is Catherine right,"

"Mother how am I suppose to be okay when I can't see her "

"If that's the reason then starve to death"she says leaving

Prince Lukas walked in "jidenna we need to go horse riding"he moved closer to me putting his hands at my shoulder "brother are you weeping?"he asked

"Leave me alone"

"I haven't seen you cried for such a long time,what is wrong?"

I sat on the floor "have you heard from Catherine?"

"Yes she is doing great,really great I tell you"

I smiled "that's good,I'm so happy "

"Brother I think you should see her"

"I can't,she has forbidden to come close to her or see her and father won't let me also"

"Something has to be done but I have good news"

"Which is?"

"Grandma is at the palace"

"You gotta be kidding me"

"No brother,am serious "

"You made my day"I said putting on my robe as I ran down the stairs "granny"I said giving her a hug

"You have grown so much,look at your muscles oh my my"

"You are right mother he has grown so much"father said

"Granny I miss you"

"Miss you too,come over here"she says pulling me by the arms "let's go to your room"

I held her hand "no problem,let's go I have lots and lots to tell you"

"Really"she said as we walked up the stairs

We arrived at my room "ahhh!finally inhave become so old that I got tired walking up that stairs"

"Yeah i  noticed it Granny"I said with a smile

A maid knocked at the door "breakfast "

"Come in"granny instructed

She dropped the tray on the table "enjoy"she leaves the room

Granny brought out a parcel handing it over to me "have it son"

I collected it"what is it for?"

"Its for your future Queen,its a jewellery "

I opened it "granny its beautiful but I haven't gotten a bride yet"

"No idiot you have gotten a groom"


"I am old but am experienced Nina told me everything"

"What?she talks too much"

"Thats by the way,Catherine is the love of your life?"

I smiled "Yes granny"

"Thats good,I'm here to assist you"

MOM,DAD MEET CATHERINE Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat