Grape Popsicles-Winterwatcher Oneshot

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Background: AU where they are humans. Bam.

Theme Song: "Clarity" by Zedd and "Rather Be" by Clean Bandit (feat. Jess Glynne)

Moon's brain buzzed with activity as she walked down the street toward the ice cream shop. She was thinking, and also hearing the thoughts of all the other people walking by. It was a hot summer day. Probably everyone wanted to go to the beach or a water park or somewhere, while she was stuck at home, thanks to Secretkeeper's paranoia of being around others of their tribe.

It's not her fault. It's just what's best for me, Moon reminded herself, but at the same time, couldn't help wishing that maybe her mother was a little more laidback.

She was listening to both the physical and mental chatter of everyone walking by, and it gave her an enormous headache. Moon knew it wouldn't really help, but she was hoping the ice cream would give her a brain freeze and maybe stop her from hearing everything.

Moon finally reached the ice cream shop. She entered, money jingling in her pockets. The shop was surprisingly empty.

"Hi, Moon!" The friendly owner of the ice cream shop, Clay (FOOD), leaned over the counter. "What can I get you?"
"A grape popsicle," Moon answered. She really hadn't been in the mood for ice cream, she discovered, but it would have been a waste to walk all the way down here for nothing. She loved grape popsicles.

"Coming right up!" Clay disappeared into the back room and came out with a grape popsicle as Moon slid the money across the counter. "All set?" he asked with a kind smile.

"Yes, thank you." Moon smiled back and took a seat at a table.


Moon jumped, almost dropping her popsicle. How could she have missed another mind in here, besides hers and Clay's?

But that voice..she remembered it, and gasped.

"Winter!" Moon said, trying to make it sound like she was seeing an old friend.

And it was him. The school bully, who always had it in for her, but for reasons she could never understand. The pouch containing skyfire was stuffed in his pocket. His eyes were a cool blue, rather than freezing cold, and they looked...maybe a little sad?

"'s it going?" Winter asked awkwardly, not really looking at her.

"Okay," Moon replied just as awkwardly. "How are you?"
"Okay," he said.

They both stared at the floor. Moon lifted her eyes and peeked at him, and Winter was looking at her at the same exact moment. They both quickly looked away again.

"Look, Moon, I'm...sorry..." He had difficulty saying the word sorry. " know...."
"It's okay," she answered. "And...and I know."
Winter wasn't looking at her, but Moon was looking at him now.

"And, I, uh..." He seemed to be having an even harder time for what he was about to say next. "Moon,"

Moon blinked in surprise.

She wouldn't have thought he did.

But he did.

Winter raised his eyes to meet hers in a moment of courage.

"I love you too," Moon whispered, and it was true. She had been kind to him, because she sensed that he could be kind back, and somewhere along the way, she had fallen for him.

Winter leaned across the table and their lips touched. Moon closed her eyes.

When they broke apart, Moon noticed that he, too, was eating a grape popsicle.

[DISCONTINUED] Wings of Fire SHIPFICS, SKITS, and ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now