Chapter 10: You..

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The 'classified' girl was standing in front of Michi. "Why are you here?" Michi asked with anger in her voice.

"Michi..I know you. This isn't like you." The girl pleaded.

"Maybe this is the new me! You can't change me! I already have what I want."

"Michi...why did you let her win? You let her take over. Please fight her." She pleaded.


"I was your best friend. What happened to that? You're not the Michi I knew. Please fight her."

"CAN'T YOU SEE IM TRYING?!- No! Your body is mine!- LEAVE ME ALONE!"

Rose stepped forward, and took out an orb out of her pocket. "Let me help you." She pleaded.

"No! This body is mine! I worked too hard for this." 'Michi' said.

Laurence was gaining consciousness. Michi turned around and tried to knock him out but Rose put her in a forcefield.

Rose walked up to Laurence. "Laurence, Aphmau is waiting for you. Close your eyes." Laurence closed his eyes.

"Wait, what about you?" Laurence asked.

"We'll meet again. Goodbye." Rose poofed him to Aphmau.

She released Michi from her forcefield. "Michi, your my best friend. Please fight her."

Michi fell to her knees and screamed. The thing that was inside her, came out.

"How dare you!?" ??? Said.

Rose held the orb up and sucked that monster up. "..Michi..are you okay?"

"Rose~Sama!! Thank you soo much!" Michi ran up to her and hugged her.

"Let's go home. AND WATCH ANIME!!" Rose hopped up and down.

~Laurence and Aphmau~

When Laurence appeared she ran up and kissed him. Which surprised him, but he wrapped his arms around his waist and kissed her back.

"I love you." Laurence said.

"I-I love you too." Aphmau said.
Guess what, that b*tch is back. I swear to god..smh..

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