When You First Meet (Naruto)

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It was a pleasant day in the Hidden Leaf Village, sun was shining, skies were bright blue, and my lunch which I picked up from the local ramen shop, was smelling delicious. As I walked home I didn't noticed the running footsteps behind me, and soon I was knocked down on the ground. The lid popped open of the take out container and the hot broth of the ramen spilled all over my shirt. "OW OW OW!" I scream as I felt the broth start to burn me. I looked down and my lunch was ruined. "Oh..." I breathe glumly then felt furious.

I looked up and saw the teenage boy run faster, apparently not noticing he had ruined my favorite lunch. I ran after him and eventually caught up. "HEY KNUCKLEHEAD!" I shout and throw a rock at his head, causing him to completely fall flat. "Hey what the heck was that for....?!" The boy got up and looked at me. I noticed he was actually quite handsome, but I was still furious. "You dumb butt! You spilled my hot ramen all over me! Who do you think you are?!" I shout and point at my now ruined white shirt, which was slightly see through. He blushed as he saw right through my shirt and able to see my (F/C) bra.

"I'm Uzumaki Naruto!" He stood and dusts off his jacket. He looked at me and saw my skin was red on my neck from burns. "Oh... I'm sorry. I was practicing my running I guess I didn't notice I bumped you. Here." He takes off his jacket and hands it to me. "I'll buy you a new bowl." He smiles goofily and rubs the back of his head. As we walked to the shop and he got me a new bowl.

"Thanks..." I mutter and blush. "I'll walk you home." He smiles again. "N-No it's okay." I blush. He turns to me, the same goofy smile on his face. "I meant so I can get my jacket back. Walking around with your undergarments showing isn't exactly classy." He jokes and I blushed again, then walked with him. I talked with him along the way and found out his place was just right across the street. I smile and once I got to my door I bow. "Thank you Mr. Uzumaki." He chuckles. "Just call me Naruto." He smiles and I give him his jacket back. "See you around Naruto." I smile and go inside, blushing. "He was actually really cute." I said softly as I ate the delicious ramen.


I was in the training field, practicing my aim from different hiding places. I was in tall grass, looking for an opportunity and somehow calculating my projectile of the kunai knife. As I was about to throw it, someone trips over me as they were running. They kicked my side hard as I gasp in pain, while the other fell on his face. I sit up and growl, looking at the boy who tripped over me. I look up to notice the boy had raven black hair, that was pointed straight and horizontal. "Hey duckbutt!" I shout and grab his collar, lifting him up. When I saw his face, it was very handsome with gorgeous dark eyes. He was wearing a very thick piece of rope around his waist and his white shirt was open very much. His pants were very large, poofy even, and were a lovely shade of purple.

He smacks my arm and fell back down. "What?! YOU tripped ME!" He sits up. "That's utter bullcrap!" I shout back then heard a high pitched squeal. "Sasuke-Kun!" I turn to see a pink haired ditz waving her arm. "Haha I found you! Now you owe me a training session!" As I look to see the boy called Sasuke sigh, he showed a frowning face. He was obviously displeased. "Actually Pinkie he needs to take me to the hospital I think he cracked my rib!" I called and I could see the disappointment on her face, and out of the corner of my eye I could see the joy in Sasuke's face. "Well let me see I'm being trained my Lady Tsunade." She starts towards me with a bit of an angry look. I back away. "Oh no I would feel more comfortable if I was looked at by the hospital." She frowns. "Don't be an idiot and show me your ribs."

"Sakura. Leave her be. Come on." He picked me up on his shoulder. "Let's get you to the hospital." He then starts to walk off. "Sasuke-Kun what about that training session you promised?" The girl called Sakura follows and pouts. Seriously this girl is getting annoying. "I'll have to take a raincheck Sakura. Now leave us be." He said sternly but she stayed in the training field. Once Sasuke and I were far enough away, he set me down. "Did I really hurt you?" He frowns. I shook my head. "No, but that Sakura chick can surely give you a run for your money huh?" I giggle softly. "That's actually why I was running until I tripped on you." He chuckles.

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