You Meet Again (Akatsuki)

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I was back at the tattoo shop a week later. My niece got into the ear cleaner and dumped it all over my rug. As much as I love her, I wish she would just not get into stuff.

And again.... It had to be my stuff. As I stood in line, I could someone staring at me. I turn my head slightly, and out of the corner of my eye, I could see spiky orange hair, and pale purple eyes staring at me. I quickly face forward, so I wouldn't get caught staring. The feeling didn't go away, though.

I turn back around to see, only to recognized a certain pierced man staring. I smile and wave at him as I was next in line. I paid again for the ear cleaner, determined to put it in the medicine cabinet so she couldn't reach it. As I walked toward the door, my arm was grasped and I look at whom would dare touch me, only to realize it was the man, Pein, staring at me. "Wait for me outside." He then let me go, but I didn't disobey. I waited outside on the bench, my phone out as I messaged my friend plans for later tonight.

"Follow me." I look up to see him keeping his gaze on me. I was slightly confused, but didn't feel fear or endangered. I got up and followed him, nearly jogging to meet his long strides. He lead me through many alley ways, and now I was getting a bit unsettled.

We soon stopped in an alley way that I was sure no one visited. "I'm sorry, I had to meet you again, but I have people looking for me."

"What kind of people?" I frowned deeply. If he got me mixed in with anything crazy he was sure as hell gonna regret it.

"Nothing too bad, just some annoying girls. They keep asking me strange questions."

I arched a brow. "Well isn't a man like you used to attention from women?"

"No, they usually just glance, grimace, and look away." He waved his hand in front of his face. "Only someone special can surely like all these."

"Then why did you get them?"

He sighs. "I can't tell you that..."

"Why not?" I step forward. I didn't know why but I felt as if I was somehow connected to Pein.

"I can't... Unless under certain circumstances."

"Like?" I kept pushing. He wasn't telling me to stop, but I suspected he wouldn't tell me any more than I already knew. "You'll find them out soon enough, but here." He handed me a piece of paper, with contact info. There was also a little note. "Don't let anyone see this." I look at the paper, and when I lifted my head, Pein was gone. No trace, no smoke, no wind to signal that he had left. He just... wasn't there.

Just what have I gotten myself into?


That book the man Itachi gave me was amazing! It had everything I could hope for! So many delicious dishes, and they were all so easy and quick! I had stopped by at a bookstore that was very popular, and had gotten him a gift card as a thank you. I went to the other shop to find him, but the owner didn't know whom I was talking about. "I'm sorry young lady, I never hired a man by the name of Itachi, though that name does sound familiar..."

"But he was here. He helped me find this book." I held it up, frowning. "Well... Let me see it." The book keeper went through the computer to find my transaction, but the person whom checked me out did not fit my description. 'This is very odd...' I thought as I walked down the street. I looked up on the telephone pole, and saw a giant black crow. It peered down at me, flicking its head slightly as it sailed down and perched on my shoulder. I was startled, knowing wild birds that landed on your shoulder was an omen. (I don't really know I'm making this up.) 

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