His P.O.V. of You (Naruto)

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(A/N! (F/J) means favorite jutsu!)


She's really cute... So cute she puts sakura to shame for sure, no argument there. I honestly didn't know how she would be this much of an effect on me. I'm glad she sought me out after the spilled ramen incident, I really did feel bad for spilling it on her. I mean if someone spilled hot ramen on you would you be happy? No? Didn't think so. I was, however, glad she forgave me when I offered to pay for another ramen for her. She's been a best friend to me since then, well besides Sasuke and Gaara, but they don't usually visit that often.

He is still in denial that she likes me, though I catch her staring a few times. I sometimes stare at her as well, but only because she's so pretty, funny, and smart... Very ambitious in some departments. Pervy Sage likes her a lot. Only because she is the only female whom will come, willingly, within a five mile radius of him. She puts him in his place at times, so I don't have to worry too much about him taking her, but I still worry that he will lay his old man hands on her at one point.

She, besides my team and sensei, is the only other person whom doesn't think I'm just a monster because of the Tailed Beast, and believes that I will one day become Hokage. I know I will, and I know she will still be proud, and I believe in her as well. She always doubts her decisions, second guessing her leadership instincts. She's also very timid around other people, and I really want her to express herself more without worry, and to smile more.

God her smile is gorgeous, so much that I believe it was the blessing of Kishijo-ten herself. Her eyes were just as extravagant, and her hair looked as soft as fresh cotton and the color complimented her perfectly. Sometimes I imagine us in on a rainy day, her head on my stomach as I lay about, and play with her hair. Then it usually led... to kissing her.


What am I saying?! This is something a boyfriend says about his girlfriend! Me and her aren't like that at all, at least I think so. I don't really know about girls a lot, or what they like in a guy. All I hoped, now, is that I was what (Y/N) dreamed for.


She is very feisty. Very smart mouthed. You can also add ridiculously strong to that list of why she's an amazing human to have in my life, she was almost a female Naruto. Unlike Naruto, though, who wouldn't leave me alone, she gave me space, and would check up on me eventually, not being too pushy.

Besides that she was pretty cool person, especially since she lets me hide in her house when the two fangirls are about, but since I only got to when she was home, I spent a bit of time at her house, and with her. We watched a lot of shows, I showed her some jutsu, she really liked (F/J), and I was happy to show it, under the right conditions, of course, don't want to destroy anything (lol). She was really cute when she got all excited for when I showed her the jutsu. Super cute... Sometimes I'm thinking I may be falling for her, but it could be just another wild dream of mine. All my dreams were crazy, but this one made more sense than anything. She fit me perfectly. She wasn't clingy, she didn't constantly worry about her looks, and she isn't squealing over the fact that I'm an Uchiha, or that I (Regrettably) am the hottest teen in the village. She doesn't care about those. She cares about what's inside.

I just hope that I get to be with her the way I wish to, and if she will accept me, and hopefully the family history.


She's not all that much a pain in the ass if that's what you're looking to get out of me. Man I didn't think I would have to explain myself with her, she just, gets me. She comes over, we just hang out. We don't have to DO anything, she just brings activities for her while I probably take a nap or do something else. I've beaten her at Shogi so many times it's gotten kinda boring.

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