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Hot Coco in my hand, I take a seat on the comfiest chair in the house and begin drinking. Ally is gone, and now I'm alone. No one but maybe Jackson understands. I decide to miss school,  to avoid Ally's empty seat, to avoid the rumors, the whispering students, and the teachers. I hope Jackson was doing the same, staying home, relaxing. Ally was my sister. She taught me things, and she was always there for me, she always backed away bullies, and picked me up when I fell. Now, I have no one. I know she's out there hiding, or taken as hostage, and even worse, possibly dead.  "Okay honey I'll be back, call if you need anything." "Okay Mom thanks!" Ally would never just disappear.  Like Jackson, I knew her like the back of my hand, she was always smart, and did everything for us. Last week Jackson and I came up with a theory that she was either dead, or got kidnapped, she would never run away, it would be abnormal. Her parents are the ones who freaked out when they got the call from Ally's grandparents that she never arrived.  They sent a search party for her, Jackson and I went to, but we found nothing, no clues. Ding Dong! Great another interview, or it was the mailman, please god be the mailman. I got up walked to the door and opened it, it was the mailman and there was a package for me, possibaly from Ally. "Thanks." I waved bye to the mailman, closed the door, got some sissors and began opening.

The TrainNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ