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I jump out of the car and run inside, I throw off my boots, and slip the next tape, and wait for Jackson. Jackson walks in, but his face isn't nervous, or eager, its confused. "Who would want to shoot you Kat? Who would hate you so much to almost kill you?" "Jackson, I don't know," I didn't know what else to say. He sits down next to me. "My mind is full of THINGS I'm so worried about, first Ally, then you. What if someone is stalking you, or trying to hunt you down." I feel my heart pounding, my face was full of guilt, I didn't know what to say, he cared so much about us. I never knew Jackson was so protective. I always thought of Jackson as just a friend, but he was much more. I just didn't see it, all that time, Ally did. "Jackson?" He looked at me and this time he smiled. "Kat you have a beautiful smile." Jackson put his hand on my cheek and I pulled away. "Moms going to be home soon let's listen to the tapes." "Okay..." he was confused, but I didn't like Jackson, so I had to avoid as much as I could. I pressed play and Ally voice silenced the awkward silence. 

If you are listening to this again, you have found the first clue. This tape will now lead you to the next. The next clue is related to death,and is located in Dead Man's Grave. Dead Man's Grave is a 2 hour drive to mammoth. I know, why would Ally or you travel out that far to find one little clue? That's why the third clue is nearby, and (in my opinion) is easy to find. The good news is, you're almost there. I am in Mammoth somewhere unexpected, somewhere where people don't usually look. Now I have to go, but when you find the clues, turn this tape over, and listen. 

Once Ally's voice ended, Jackson and I sat in silence. He looked at me and began speaking, "Kat, I haven't said this, or been honest with you or Ally, but I love you." I fainted. That was my response. I fainted in shock and emotional electricity. Jackson had liked me all these years, and I liked him back, but Ally told me she liked him, I didn't want to "steal" Jackson from her, and the way he looked at her, I thought he liked her.  I was scared. I didn't want to make our friendship awkward, or even break, this was a mountain building  bigger by the minute, and some how, I had to stop it.

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