Ally's Reason

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As I pressed play on the tape, Jackson grabbed a pillow and leaned back on the table. Ally's voice began, "If  you are listening to this tape, your either Kat or Jackson." "Your probably wondering why I'm gone, that I died, or got kidnapped, the truth is none of those things are true." "I'm actually safe, pretty much. I'm not nearby, I'm not dead, and the worst part of these tapes that I made is, I can't tell you where I am." Jackson reached out and paused it. "Kat we have to give this to the her parents, or the police." Jackson sounded eager, which made me nervous. "Jackson, we have listen to the whole thing first, then send it to them, we don't even know if Ally even wants us to do that!" "Okay fine." He didn't reach out and press play, so I did. "Kat these tapes were sent to you first, if they got sent to Jackson's house first, then Jackson congrats your the first to b hear these." "I disappeared on Christmas Eve and as you probably think, never arrived there. The truth is, I did arrive there, but when they were sleeping though. So I found some old tapes and recorded my voice on them and sent them to Katherine's address so she would get them first. " this time I paused the tape and started to bawl. I couldn't stop crying, I hadn't heard her voice in so long, and I thought she died. But she's alive! Jackson put his arms around me and almost cradled me in a way. Icried for Ally. She was alive. She was out there somewhere, and I will do whatever it takes to find her.

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