Chapter 1

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"Teahyung stop that before you hurt yourself." Jin said when he walked passed his 15 year old son who, meanwhile waiting for his toast to be ready, was checking how hot the toasters diffrent parts are with his bare hands. "Are your brothers awake?" the older male then asked as he opened the fridge to take out eggs, butter and milk.

"Hobi is in the shower, and Jiminie is still asleep..I think, he was ten minutes ago at least." the brunett answered his dad. He had stoped playing with the toaster and was now drumming his fingers on the table in rythm with "Everybody wants to be a cat" from Aristocats.

"Could you go wake him up meanwhile I cook breakfast?" Jin asked as he put the frying pan on the stove.

"Suuuree." the boy left the kitchen in a hurry. Jin was sure there was a whole herd of elephants going up the stairs, not just a hyper teenage boy . He sighted, he loved his son very much, but sometimes he was..a bit over the top.

"Was that a hippo going up the stairs or just Taehyung?" Namjoon, Jin's husband, said as he kissed the beautiful males neck. Jin chuckled, turned around so he was facing Namjoon and then said:

"Deffinitly a hippo." he kissed the younger male infront of him's lips before he turned around once again to continue with cooking enough scrambled eggs for a whole fotballteam. The family consisted of teenagers, that over all ate a lot and two dads that both loved food too, so it was deffinitly needed.

As the two males where downstaires being lovey-dovey, Taehyung had entered his and Jimin's room. From the begining it had actually been just Jimin's room, but since it bearly even went one night without the younger tiptoeing over to his best friends and adoptive brother room, whispering a cute "Jiminiiie I can't sleep could I stay here tonight?", they had eventually moved Taehyung's bed to Jimin's room, since Jimin also happened to sleep in the largest room. Now the two youngest where sharing the bigest bedroom.

Although Taehyung was Jimin's best friend, he also where his little brother, and little brothers can be a pain in the ass. Taehyung was no exception, when he saw that Jimin was infact still asleep an evil grin apared on the youngest face as he had gotten the best idea ever. According to the plan Taehyung had just come up with, he jumped up on his older brothers back like a cat attacking its pray and screamed "Jimiiniiiiiiiieeee! Jinnie says you should wake up! Now!" Taehyung was shaking the older boy awake even though Taehyungs older, black haired brother had already opened his eyes.

"Tae for heavens sake I'm awake! GET OF MEE!" Jimin shouted so loud that their dad's downstairs heard them, both shaking their heads and chuckling at their sons.

"Should I go and make sure they don't accidentally kills each other?" the oldest brother, Hoseok, asked his parents as he entered the kitchen. He was smiling, but he always did so that wasn't a surprise. Although the smile still made the two males, that where lucky enough to call themselves parents of the boys, day. Whenever they saw their oldest smile they both wanted nothing but shower Hoseok, or Hobie as the called him most of the time, with affection and love.

"No I think they'll be just fine by themselves. Did you sleep well sweetie?" Jin asked. He had finished cooking the eggs, and was now serving a big portion of scrambeled eggs on Hoseok's plate. The boy had been getting skinnier lately and Jin wanted to make sure all of his family where eating well and healthy.

"Yeah I slept fine, I woke up around two because of the wind I'm guessing but I fell asleep pretty much straight away afterwards." the brown haired boy answered and the started eating his eggs. Well there's nothing wrong with his apitate at least, Jin thought as he watched his oldest son eat, he had already eaten almost half of the portion Jin had served him.

"That's good. Do you have any plans for today?" Jin then asked.

"Not really, but you don't have to pick me up straight after school because Mr. Altson wanted me to help him during the beginners dance practise today and I'll get paid so I'm not about to say no." Mr. Altson was Hoseok's and Jimin's dance teacher. Both of them were really good at dancing and Hoseok often helped when he was asked to, but it was only resently he had started getting paid for it. It wasn't much, but everything the 16 year old earned was something. Hoseok, like most teenagers, liked feeling like he was at least a little independed, and earning his own money definitely made him feel independed.

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