Chapter 4

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Jungkook and Yugyeom was running through the school building, although Mark had been early there had been an unbelievable amount of traffic, resulting in them being ten minutes late.

Although they had a legit reason to be late, Yugyeom could see that Jungkook was really stressed and anxious about the fact they weren’t on time. Yugyeom had never asked Jungkook about his family situation but he had once overheard Mark talking to Yoongi, so he still had a pretty good idea on what was going on, and ever since then he’d make sure his friend would be as comfortable as possible in situations that otherwise would make Jungkook very anxious and at times even terrified.

Therefore, when the two boys were outside their algebra class, panting and red faced since there was way more stairs on the way to the classroom they had algebra in  than anyone would ever want to run up a Wednesday morning (They were both surprised no one had ever fallen down the stairs and broken a bone or two during the time they’d been in this school), Yugyeom didn’t knock on the door straight away. Instead he made eye contact with his friend, and said:

“Kook, we’re late because of traffic and that’s an ok reason to be late, she won’t be mad, Mrs. Fulton is chill in general, ok?” Jungkook nodded, and it seemed as if he was a bit less worried now.

Mrs. Fulton was their relatively young, she was in her late twenties, newlywed, bubbly, messy math teacher. She wasn’t the best teacher, she was always looking for her glasses and losing the worksheets she was supposed to give the students as a homework (not that anybody complained), and at times her lessons would turn into a wild discussion about human rights, the equation 5X×6Y+X=34Y was forgotten on the blackboard. Although a lot of people hated math, they liked Mrs. Fulton, or Lily, as she often prefered the students calling  her by her first name.

Yugyeom still waited a few seconds, eyeing his friend to make sure he was ok, before he knocked on the door.

The door opened and just as Yugyeom was about to open his mouth to explain they were late because of traffic, he was interrupted by a voice neither of the boys had ever heard before.

“You're late.” it said, very obviously not pleased. Yugyeom could feel Jungkook getting tense again, and he was so tempted to place a comforting arm around him, but he wasn't sure that would help any. He might get scared by the touch and startling him wasn't something Yugyeom wanted to do right now. And even if he wouldn't get startled, the whole class was watching and he didn't know how Jungkook would feel about the whole class seeing them basically hugging each other, as that would make it pretty obvious Jungkook was scared.

Yugyeom took away his attention from his friend and instead concentrated it on the owner of the unknown voice. It was a woman, dressed in an all grey outfit, pen skirt, button up shirt and the most hideous pair of leggings, and it all looked as if it was felted . She was pretty old, by the looks of it closer to sixty than fifty, so her thin hair, that was tied back in a small knot in her neck, was also dark grey. She barely had a waist, since she was on the heavier side, but her legs were of some reason pretty skinny. She reminded Yugyeom of Umbridge from Harry Potter mixed with the queen from snow white when she had disguised herself into a old woman. Needless to say, that wasn't a very good combo, and it definitely wasn't a good first impression.

“Uhm.. I’m sorry there was-” Yugyeom  didn’t finish his sentence before she cut him off once again.

“I do not know how Mrs. Felton handle things, but I want you all to know that being late is something most people do not tolerate, me being one of them. I take it you two are Mr.Min and Mr.Tuan since you two are the only two missing from my list. Take your seats please. No talking.” it was like out of a book or movie when they introduce a villain. It didn’t matter for Yugyeom that he had been scolded, but he didn’t even have to look at Jungkook to know that to him that had been horrible. Yugyeom didn’t even want to think about what might be going through his friends head, what memories that had triggered.

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