Chapter 2

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"Yoongi! I've been trying to wake you up for the past 15 minutes, you need to wake up now. And you're supposed to be the older one.."  Jungkook was standing in the doorway of his older brothers room. The thirteen year old was staring at the bed, you wouldn't even know someone was there, if it wasn't for the fact that you could hear the seventeen year old mumbling something into his pillow. "We're going to be so late Yoongi...." Jungkook was getting worried now. He'd already been late once this week, and he really didn't think his teacher would be that forgiving this time.

"Okay okay I'm awake..." Yoongi sat up in his bed when he heard the worry in the younger's voice. The blond brother stumbled across the room to where there was a big pile of clothes, he was obviously not used to the light that Jungkook had turned on. Jungkook, that knew his brother well, stayed in the doorway until he saw his brother starting to change from his pyjamas (that actually was just a oversized T-shirt and the boxers he'd been wearing the previous day) to real clothes.

"Good, I'll go see if we got anything edible." Jungkook said, hoping the older wouldn't go straight back to bed when he left the room. Although Jungkook knew his brother had some sleeping problems, he would either sleep for 20 hours straight or not at all, he just couldn't let him sleep in on a wednesday, he wanted to though. Jungkook hated seeing his brother so tired he couldn't even hold his eyes open but still couldn't fall asleep once he was allowed to.

A few minutes later Yoongi walked out of his room. He was wearing a pair of ripped denim jeans and the blue jumper he had used almost daily since he bought it a few months ago.  He walked right into their kitchen as their apartment was really small, with three bedrooms, one tiny bathroom and one "big" room that was both kitchen, dining area and living room. The sofa was the only thing (except the floor) you could sit on and the coffee table was the only table they owned in their apartment. At least both Jungkook and Yoongi had their own room, although both rooms could only fit a bed and a wardrobe, leaving a little space in front of the door so that you could at least open the door.

"I think we might have a few eggs left.." Jungkook thought out loud as he opened the fridge to check. "Yes! There's four left, could you turn on the stove meanwhile I look for the frying pan?"

"No kid, you go take a shower and I'll cook, damn, when was the last time you even thought about a shower?" the older boy said as he ruffled his younger brothers black hair that was indeed in need of a shower.

"But we don't have that much time Yoongi.."

"I'll just ask Mark to drive us, just take a god damn shower and I'll make sure you get to school in time, ok?" Yoongi knew his brother didn't want to be late, Jungkook had always been  afraid of that someoe would get mad at him, and Yoongi would do anything so that Jungkook didn't have a reason to be scared. Not because the teachers would be mad, they knew about Yoongi and Jungkook's situation and just a text message from Yoongi explaining why the thirteen year old boy is late would be enough for the teachers just to ignore Jungkook being late. But that didn't stop Jungkook from being anxious, and Yoongi knew that his little brother was already anxious just by the way he said "but".

"Are you sure he'll be able to drive us then? He've given us a ride everyday so far this week and and almost everyday last week.." Jungkook knew Mark didn't mind driving the two brothers to school, since Jungkook's best friend was Mark's little brother, Yugyeom, and Mark himself was one of Yoongi's closest friends, but if it was possible Jungkook would rather walk to school then letting Mark drive him. Jungkook felt as if he was taking advantage of Mark without giving anything back, and Jungkook really didn't like that feeling.

"Don't worry about it, he's the one who suddgest driving us 95% of the time, he really doesn't mind." Yoongi tried to convice his brother. Yoongi had felt the same way that Jungkook, but when Yoongi had asked Mark if he thought that it was annoyig driving them around, Mark had said he'd be offended if the two brothers wouldn't ask him to drive them. Yoongi had thought he'd been joking, but that really wasn't the case, and Mark had actually not talked to Yoongi for a week after he found out Yoongi had been taking the bus to school after Mark had said he could drive Yoongi anywhere he needed to go. God, Yoongi really owed Mark a lot.

As Yoongi heard the water splashing, telling him Jungkook was now shovering, he started frying the eggs. If he was honest, he really wasn't a great cook, Jungkook actually prepered most of their meals, but frying some eggs shouldn't be that hard should it? Turns out, it is. At least if you want it to look like fried eggs and not scrambeled. Well, Yoongi thought, it's not burnt, so I guess I didn't fuck it up all too much. He then put the... egg mess on two plates (he put more on Jungkook's plate, since his brother was still growing amd was basically always hungry) and took out his phone to call Mark and make sure that he could actually drive them.

Beep... Beep.... Bee- "Need someone to drive you?"

"Well hello to you too, Mark, but yeah, thats why I called."

"I was about to call you and ask if you needed it, I'll be there in... About 20 minutes, is that ok?" Yoongi took a releved sight as his friend said that. He really owned Mark his life or something.

"Yeah, that sounds good, text me when you're here."

"Sure thing mate."

Yoongi put away his phone just as Jungkook walked into the kitchen. He had already changed back to the clothes he'd been wearig when he woke up his brother (black loosefit jeans, white t-shirt and a red, black and white flannel), the only evidence that he'd taken a shower was his damp hair. He needed a haircut too, Yoongi realized, his fringe was covering his eyes. Most of the time Yoongi felt more like a parent then an older brother, and he didn't hide that very well, so his friends (mostly Mark) often joked about it. Not that Yoongi really minded, he was basically the only one who took care of Jungkook most of the time, and the rest of the time Jungkook was taking care of him.

"Uhmm.. Yoongi what is this?" Jungkook said, sounding as he was about to laigh, and pointed att the egg mess on his plate. The younger boy was clearly amused by his olders brothers lack of cooking skills.

"Yah! I did my best ok, be glad I didn't burn it at least!"

Jungkook laughed at his brother before he took his plate and walked over to the sofa and started eating.

"Oh yeah, I was wondering if it's okay that I started going to dance lessons on thursdays? It's free and it looks like a lot of fun." Jungkook then asked his brother when he had almost finished his breakfast.

"Uhm sure, why not." Yoongi had no idea that Jungkook was intrested in dancing so it was kind of a suprise, but if that's something Jungkook wanted to do he saw no reason his brother shouldn't.

"Thanks!" Jungkook said, smiling really big as he got up from the sofa. "When was it Mark comes to pick us up?" Jungkook asked.

Before Yoongi could answer, his phone vibrated, telling him he got a text. "Now apperiently." Yoongi looked at what time it was, 7.34, at the same time as he checked that it actually was from Mark. "He's a bit early, go get your stuff and we're leaving." the older boy said.

About two minutes later the two boys were outside they're apartment, quickly running down the stairs so that the kind boy in the car didn't have to wait too long for them.

Okay so this took waay longer then I thought it would to write, since I was struggling not to make it cliche..I don't know if I succeeded in making it not cliche but at least I wrote it! I might re-write it if I come up with something better, but in that case I'll warn you before. Next chapter will be more about the Namjin kids, hopefully it won't take two months to write that.

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