Chapter 7

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Jimin sat in the backseat of the car, Hoseok sitting in front of him, every now and then turning around to look at the younger with the biggest grin on his face. He was always like that, whenever Jimin even looked at someone for more than half a second he would tease him about for five years, so Jimin just ignored him. Sure he thought Jungkook was cute, but he wouldn't develop a crush that fast. Probably...hopefully... Okay if Jimin was honest with himself he probably had a really small crush on Jungkook but it was like a really minor one, not something he would admit yet, not even to Taehyung.

Taehyung... Jimin really really needed to talk to him, he felt so goddamn guilty about reacting the way he had done. Taehyung was just looking out for him for heaven's sake, and Jimin was pretty sure that Taehyung now really believed something was wrong, which wasn't the case, or maybe something was wrong but it was nothing he couldn't handle himself.

""Dad, is Taehyung at home already?" Jimin decided to ask, he was going to talk to him as soon as possible.

"I believe so yes, why do you ask?" Namjoon, that had picked them up, answered. Neither their dad's nor their brother had realized the two youngest weren't talking to each other, since it only been a day and Taehyung and Jimin often were quiet in each others presence as they had almost telepathic connection with each other, and why open your mouth if the other person understand what you want without you having to say it?

"No particular reason, I just have to talk to him about something." Jimin answered truthfully, he saw no reason to lie.

Hoseok, that had been quiet up until now, saw an opportunity and didn't hesitate to take it. "Are you going to tell him about a certain black haired boy in your dance class?" he said, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Hoseok please, just because I talk to someone doesn't mean I got a crush on them or something, no matter how cute they are." Jimin rolled his eyes once again.

"But you admit the black haired boy is cute!" Hoseok continued.

"Anyone would find him cute." Jimin said. He realized he put himself in some deep shit before he even finished the sentence.

"Wait does my Jiminie have a crush? On a black haired dancer from his dancing class? Since when!?" Namjoon bombarded Jimin with questions. Namjoon was even worse than Hoseok when it came to these things.

"Since never, he's cute yeah but I've known him for an hour. I know literally nothing about him except his name, he's good at dancing although he apparently never taken any classes before, he stutters when he's nervous, and his phone number." Jimin explained.

"His phone number?!?" Namjoon exclaimed at the same time as Hoseok said "You've known him for an hour and you a got his number?!"

"Oh come on, I was being friendly!" Jimin was more then done with these two.

"Yeah right, I didn't know my little brother was such a flirt?"

Jimin just ignored them, although he knew that meant they would think he didn't have any way to defend himself.

The rest of the car ride was quiet, Namjoon and Hoseok both smiling, pleased with the fact that they knew about Jimin's so called crush. It wasn't only Jin and Taehyung that had been feeling as if Jimin was pushing them away, the whole family had been feeling as if he were doing so, and knowing something like who Jimin had a crush on felt as if he were letting them in again.

When Namjoon had stopped the car Jimin had already opened the car door, rushed to the front door of the Kim family's house . When he reached the door he tried to open it, although it was, not very surprisingly, locked, as Jin always forgot to lock it up. Jimin, although he tried to open it three more times, soon gave up and instead waited impatiently for his father, that had the key, to open it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2017 ⏰

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