[chapter 24]

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The image at the top/side (I don't know how various places are displaying it at this point) is obviously not mine, because I don't art. However, I do think it is absolutely phenomenal and although I'm sure it has nothing to do with my book, it just seemed too fitting to not include. 

And... Holy shit guys. This is the last chapter. Let's  hope I haven't let you down too dismally.

The day started normally, relatively speaking. I woke up sore and more tired than the night before, cold air already creeping beneath wool blankets on my cot--we had all taken to sleeping in the square, surrounded by the bustle of a city being rebuilt from the ground up.

At least my morning commute was easy.

I got dressed, trying to hold onto the warm shreds of happiness that lingered from the board games we had all played last night, even as the early morning light began to leech them away. Outside, people were already starting to bustle around. I took a deep breath, pulling my hair back into a ponytail and frowning as I realized it was getting long. I fingered the split ends, making a mental note to get it cut soon, and stepped outside.

Lines were already forming, Evos in need of food or water or shelter or just someone to talk to. On the opposite side of the forum, a huge, milling crowd had gathered to complain, all with signs and irritatingly catchy chants. Max had already offered to disband them, but Maddie stopped him. She said that if we were going to establish true equality, we couldn't stop people from protesting.

I couldn't disagree, so they stayed.

"All right, sir," I said, sliding into my seat, the smooth plastic still cold underneath me, "What would you like to share with us?"

The red-headed man with a green scarf who sat across from me blinked, startled to see me. "I'm sorry, but I'd like to speak to whoever's in charge."

"I am in charge of this section," I said patiently. It wasn't the first (or last, probably) time since establishing the Recommendation Station that someone had mistaken youth for inexperience. "Now, what would you like to contribute?"

"Well, for starters, I'd like to suggest that you don't let little girls run the country."

"Sir, I understand that you are probably... unhappy with this situation, but the fact of the matter is that we are standing on the edge of a new age. Evos aren't in charge anymore, but we are trying to reconfigure the whole governing system to provide equality for everyone. If you have ideas on how to run this, feel free to tell us. Otherwise, do your best to adjust to your new situation."

"Fine," he said, a bit defensive, "I was going to suggest that we use a council to rule, made of the same number of Evos and Non-Evos."

"Thank you so much for the idea," I said, letting a relieved smile show through. "We'll take it into consideration. Is there anything else?"

"No, that's all."

"Okay then. Have a wonderful day and feel free to come back if you need anything or if you have any other thoughts."

He stood, walking away, and the next woman took his place. "Hello ma'am. What would you like to share with us?"


I blinked, a slow doze trying to creep up on me. Everyone was laughing, so I laughed too, but I was too groggy to get the joke. Jax, Sofia and Maddie were all sitting around a firepit a couple blocks down from the forum, Xander cradling a cup of hot chocolate that was steaming up his glasses. They looked happy, like a family.

I leaned closer into Alex's warm arm, letting myself relax as I breathed contentedly. I had my boyfriend on one side, Aretha on the other, and all of our friends sitting across from us. The heat of the fire was licking against my chapped skin, but it felt nice, like my bones were thawing out.

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