Chapter 34

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                   Gilbert and Charlie get to the house and we will follow them in Sel's mother's van. I get Gianna in her car seat and we head off. I am very excited to get to surprise the kids that do not get to go home on the weekends. I call ahead and see how many children there are. They tell me about fifty will be there today. I ask them if it is ok to for me to order pizza for all the kids and they tell me it is ok. I have Sel order all the pizzas for me. I look in the rearview mirror and Gi Gi has fallen asleep.

"Ok baby, all the pizzas are ordered it will be there at one," Sel signs.

"Thanks babe, now give me a kiss." I sign and she leans over to me. She kisses me and bites my bottom lip making me fidget in my seat. "Stop you're getting me hard."

"That was my point."

"Gi Gi is here."

"She's sleeping," She says as she puts her hand on me. I look at her. "Ok, Ok I'll stop! These damn pregnancy hormones."

"Oh, I'll be taking advantage of those hormones later, believe me." I laugh.

"Oh I know you will."

                 We pull into the parking lot and I stop the car, I get out Gi Gi and hold her against me her head is nuzzled into my neck. We walk into the front office and everyone there is excited to see me. Gianna wakes up and I stand her in front of me. She is holding onto my legs for dear life.

"Thank you so much Mr. Dimarco for visiting our Fremont Campus." The woman signs.

"It's my pleasure, this is my girlfriend Selena and our niece Gianna. Gilbert you already know and this is his partner Charlie Martinez."

"Gilbert, it is so good to have you back on our campus again.We missed having you working with us!" She signs.

"It's always good to come back home Bonnie." Gilbert signs.

"It's nice to meet you Selena, Gianna and Charlie." She signs. "Let me take you to the kids."

                   We walk down the corridor to their gym and all the kids are in there sitting on bleachers. They see me and jump up and down. They are shaking their hands over and over.

"What does the hand shaking mean?" Charlie says and signs.

"Clapping." I sign. It makes me proud to be in such a great deaf community.

                I spend the first hour dancing around with the kids and getting to know all them. I can see Sel is so proud I notice her get teary eyed a few times. I have a few preschoolers climbing on me and notice Gianna standing near Sel.

"Come here Gi Gi." I sign. She runs over happily to join in our game of duck,duck goose. She is a fast learner she is signing to the little girls in no time at all.

               There are some teenaged girl that come up to me and we take selfies and have a great time just chatting about their student life at the school. A few of the boys come over with a basketball. They are showing off for the girls and it takes me back to when I used to do that.

"Is your girlfriend a hearie?" one of the girls named Jessica asks

"Yes she is but she knows ASL."


"Why what?"

"Why are you dating her if she is not deaf?" she signs.

"I love her very much Jessica. You can't help who you fall in love with."

"That's nice." She signs and runs off with her friends.

                  The boys challenge me to game of two on one and I take them up on the challenge. I won a game and they won one. I may regret that later but it was a great time. We get ready to head out and go back to Sel's parent's house. I am wiped out but it so much fun seeing the happiness on the kids' faces. I get Gi Gi in her car seat she is getting grumpy so we know that she is wiped out too. I start the car and head down the road and Sel is looking at me.

"I love you so much Nyle. So much."

"I love you too baby."

                  We get to the house and we begin to get ready to rest and just hang out in Sel's room. I grab her face and begin to kiss her. My tongue is tracing the seam of her mouth until she opens her mouth and invites my tongue into hers. She practically rips my shirt off my body and I get up quickly make sure the door is locked and it is. I jump back on the bed and she is completely naked and it makes my heart race. I can get used to this hormone change. I push myself into her and her pregnancy is making her really tight and it feels amazing. I am taking my time with her slowly entering her and pulling out. She is writing under me her face in full of want.

"You want me to move faster?" I sign. Taking her nipple in my mouth and biting down a bit. I look back up at her, she franticly nodding her head. Her wish is my command. I push into her and pick up the pace going fast and faster. Her whole body quakes under me and she finds her release as her fingernails dig into my forearms. I push into her a few more times and I grab her waist tightly and find my own release. I collapse on top of her breathing heavily. I kiss her tummy over and over while she pushes the hair from my forehead. I love when she does that.

"Do you want to take Samson and Delilah home babe?" I sign holding her in arms.

"How the house is not big enough and Gilbert doesn't like dogs."

"I mean to my house."

"Your house?"

"I want you to move in with me. I don't want to be away from you and my babies."

"Do you think it's too soon?" she signs and I laugh pointing to her belly.

"I won't be without you. Please say yes."

"How would we get them home?"

"Is that a yes?"

"Tell me first how will we get them home?"

"I'll rent a car and we can leave tonight or early tomorrow."


"Wait ok to drive home or ok to live with me?"

"Both." She signs and smiles broadly at me.

                   I get up and jump up and down. I am so excited that she said yes to move in with me. She is laughing on the bed.

"Why are you laughing?" I smile.

"Because you are naked jumping up and down." She sign and cracks up. Making me laugh.

               I lay back down on the bed and pull her on top of me and kiss her crazy. We make love again and we are forced to get up so that we go out and eat.....who needs to eat anyways.

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