Chapter 46 (Unedited)

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We must have woken up a million times ok I am exaggerating but it was like that all night long. Mostly it was for Noah to nurse, Noelia nursed but she not as much as her brother. She was happy with her paci. It got me thinking that she could she possibly be hearing her brother crying. Nyle has helped me so much by changing the babies and burping them between feedings. He even grabbed my pumped milk and fed them for me so I could get some sleep. We finally cracked and brought them into bed with us. They slept a straight four hours and we took advantage of that. There is a knock at my bed room door.

"Come in." I say.

"Mija, Yu Tsai is here. He said he came to do the newborn photo session." My mom says.

"What time is it?"

"Almost nine thirty."

"Oh my god! We had a long night with the babies."

"You should have woken me up to help."

"No, Mama, Noah wanted to nurse every little while."

"Oh, can't help you there. Did you give him the chupon?"

"He won't take the paci mom, but Noelia does. I just have to keep offering it to him until he takes it. We brought them into our room about six this morning and they have been asleep ever since." I say this as Noelia grunts. "I spoke too soon. Mama, can you send up Yu Tsai, leave the door open."

She leaves as I grab a diaper off my night stand. I change her diaper quickly because she is screeching in hunger. I pick her up and pat her back.

"You're okay, my love," I say wondering if she could hear me speaking to her.

I settle back so that my back is touching the headboard. I undo my camisole she latches on quickly I can hear her gulping loudly. It makes me excited because that means my milk is finally in all the way. She is eating like she has never eaten before. It makes me laugh. Her eyes lock onto mine. I can't believe that Nyle and I made this beauty. I place a kiss on her tiny bald head. I look up and see Yu Tsai behind his camera taking candid shots of us. I am really glad that he did.

"Morning Mommy." He says with a smile. He comes and kisses my cheek. He plants a kiss on Noelia's head. "She is exquisite like her Mommy."

"Thank you."

He goes to the foot of the bed and snaps a photo of the whole bed. He goes to Nyle's side and puts his hand on his heart as he sees Nyle hugging onto Noah. They are fast asleep. He snaps photos of them. He kisses Nyle's cheek in a joking manner making me laugh. Nyle stirs awake rubbing his eyes and he laughs when he see who it was that kissed him. He looks over at me nursing Noelia and smiles.

"Isn't she something?" He signs as I interpret. Yu Tsai is learning ASL but still needs help from time to time.

"They both are." Yu Tsai says.

"That they are." He signs making me smile. "Morning Love."

"Morning Lover," I sign. He leans over and kisses me and Noelia.

"Would you like me to go over what we will be doing today?" Yu Tsai asks.

"Yes, of course." I say. Noah screeches as Nyle is changing his diaper.

"May I hold her?" Yu Tsai asks.

"Of course!" I Say handing her over to him. Nyle hands me Noah. He begins to nurse right away. My little eater takes big gulps sighing as he eats which makes me smile down at him. I place kisses on his head and I rub my hand over his dark hair.

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