Chapter 44

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                I lay a now sleeping Noelia down next to her brother. I walk out of the room. No sooner than I am out the door my watch vibrates again. It says "baby is crying". I walk back in and Noah is crying. I pick him up quickly in hopes that Noelia doesn’t wake up. No such luck, she begins to cry again. I pick her up again. I take both babies downstairs to grab more milk. Note to self: we need a mini fridge in the nursery.
“Nyle, Let me help you,” Sel’s mom signs. I shake my head no because my hands are full.
I grab more milk out of the fridge in the kitchen and head back up the stairs. I put the cold milk pouches into warm water in the dresser. Something smells odd so I look down at Noelia and see that she has pooped all the way up her back. Ok, Nyle, suck up your pride and take the help you are offered.
                I lay the babies back into the crib. I run down the stairs to the living room. Mom is busy cooking more food. I get Sara’s attention with a wave of my hand.  I must look frazzled because she smiles at me.
“Can you feed Noah while I clean up Noelia?” I sign.
“Sure, of course,” she signs.
                We head up to the nursery. I take the breast milk out and put it in a bottle for her. She picks up Noah and kisses his head. She notices Noelia and her huge mess. She begins to laugh hysterically.
“Oh, she had a major blow out!” she signs between chuckles.
“She sure did! I am going to clean her up now.”
“Do you want me to do that?”
“No, I want to do it.”
                I take Noelia to the changing station and I am so glad that we installed a sink in their nursery. I carefully remove her very soiled onesie and socks. I grab a wash cloth and run it under warm water I take the cloth and wash her up. What a huge mess from my tiny baby girl. I look down at her and her eyes are wide open. This is the first time that I have seen her eyes open for longer than two seconds. Her eyes are a cloudy gray color, but I am sure that will change. Her eyes are shaped just like her mama’s, she is a beauty. I take my cell phone out of my back pocket and snap a picture to show Sel later.
                My baby is finally clean and diapered I kiss her tummy. I put her in a new onesie and new matching socks. I hand her over Sara so that I can change Noah now that he is finished eating. He is wide awake too his eyes match his sister’s in color but his eyes are shaped like mine. I take another photo because I know Sel would want to see them wide awake. I change his diaper and he pees on me again; man, I have to be faster changing his diaper. He is a loose cannon but that is ok. I kiss his tummy like I did with his sister. I put him in his onesie that say’s" Daddies Best Bud" on it.
                They are fed and changed and fully awake. They do not look like they will be falling asleep anytime soon. I take them downstairs so I can relax and watch a movie. I make sure to grab their pacifiers and blankets. Mom and Sara are winding down for the night. I put the babies in their swings so that I can go up and check on Sel.  I go into our bedroom and she is taking a shower. I open the shower door and admire her beauty. She turns to look at me with a smile on her beautiful face.
“You feeling ok?” I sign.
“Yes, babe just a little sore. Breast feeding is making my breasts really sore but I will not stop. They need it. It’s good for them,” she signs. “How did it go with the babies?”
“Great Noelia had a major blow out and now they are fed, changed and wide awake.”
“Did my mom help?”
“Yes, but mostly I did everything myself.”
“Great job Daddy! I knew that you would be an amazing daddy!”
“Thanks Babe, You are an amazing Mommy,” I sign." I am going to cuddle my little cubs now. Take all the time you need.”
“I’ll be down soon, Love.”
                I go back to the living room and prep two bottles in case they get hungry. I grab both babies in my arms and sit on the couch. They both are laying on my chest, Noah really loves to have his hand on his sister at all times. It makes me smile.
                I love the feeling of having my babies nuzzling their heads on my chest. I hope this feeling never ends. I love these babies so much that I cannot explain it. Mom would always tell us you’ll how much I love you when you have your own children. I now know what she means.


Thanks for reading!

Sorry for the delay I was super sick! Hope you like the chapter. I will be winding this book up soon so I can started on a new one. This one will be based on Nyle's brother part of that story is Nico knows about it and gave me his blessing ❤❤❤❤.

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