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I woke up in a cold sweat. Something in my dream haunted me. The eyes of a faceless man kept following. The felt familiar though. My heavy breathing woke up John who was sleeping beside me. He patted me and gave me a half asleep smile. I couldn't deny that I loved this man. He's been there for me during everything. I'll always be in his debt.

"Go back to sleep hun." John stopped patting my back and turned around onto his stomach. I inspected his back muscles. His natural tan complexion seemed paler than usual under the moonlight that shadowed over him.

"I will later." I got up from the bed and walked down stairs.

The living room appeared silent under the gleaming full moon's rays. I sat down on the shabby gold color couch. I searched for the remote under the cushions and turned on the Telly. The news was the first thing that flashed onto the screen. The women had begun a new subject on a recording artist dropping what would be the most anticipated album of the year. I crossed my legs and dropped the remote in excitement. John deserved all the attention he could get. But, it was not him who appeared. It was the two men from the bar over a month ago. I immediately turned off the Telly.

"What's wrong?" John whispered as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders. "Go back to bed with me."

"I can't, I've decided to stay up." I said tilting my head up to him.

"Fine, You crazy lady, I will too." John released his hands from around me and walked over to the kitchen. "Why did you turn off the TV?"

"Uh, the news scares me, you know that." I gulped.

"Oh Celeste," John went on singing my name with his heavenly voice.

"Oh sweet, sweet Johnny." I harmonized to bug him.

"Turn the télévision back on its way too quiet in here." He demanded. I clicked on the remote anxiously hoping the report was over with. Sadly, they couldn't stop raving.

"Thirty Seconds to Mars is expecting a Grammy in the next nominations-" the female reporter echoed. I pressed  silent on The remote.

John came around from the kitchen and clicked the volume back on to hear the rest of the report.

"Don't let it bother you, I'd rather have talent and be unknown then be widely acclaimed and untalented." John scoffed.

"Don't say that." I nudged. "You seven Grammys, you're pretty well known."

"Damn, You got me." He teased.

I rolled my eyes at him and went off into the kitchen. I picked a grape from our fruit bowl. John wrapped his muscular arms around my waist. I felt his smile simply by his energy.

"I'm gonna go out for a run." I said.

"Good, just be back before sunrise." He said as he popped a grape into his mouth.

"Why you've got plans?"

"No I worry,"

Right after John kissed my cheek, the Telly blared an interview with this Jared Leto. Too my shock though, I ran over to the remote when I heard a few fatal words. "There was this girl I met a while back, she influenced the both of us really."

"Why did you turn it off again? I don't care about their success." John laughed.

"The Telly is giving me a headache." I walked out the door.

I ran hastily across the neighborhood. Only street lamps and the moon have me light. I could see my breath in front of me. I heard my heartbeat wanting to plunge out of my chest. Only my footsteps could be heard.

As I finished up my routine and saw the beginning of the suns rays peak over the hills, I headed back to the house. But another seemed to be running. Not that I minded, I'm just more of an introverted type. I guess that's what attracted me to John, he didn't like talking much in crowds. He shared my traits and dreams.

As I tried ignoring the fellow running my opposite way I couldn't help but notice their physique. Stocky yet muscular. Shorter hair with nicely groomed facial hair. I froze, it was Shannon. I knew immediately. How did I not know he lived on my block? Or did he even live here? Maybe he knew where I was the whole time? It didn't really matter i just couldn't be noticed. So, i plunged into the bushes beside me hoping he didn't notice me before.

Shannon stopped in the middle of the street. I began to panic and feel my heart race. Another man joined him from a different direction and also stopped. It was Jared. I let out a long sigh. Only I would be stuck in such a predicament.

My solution: keep running until I lose them. I jumped out of the bushes and bolted to the house. The two men stared at me peculiarly. Without a doubt though, having the shitty luck I have, one of them hollered "wait!". I ran faster. I heard their foot steps coming closer. I couldn't feel the road from under me.

"Wait Miss!" Jared yelled.

I was only five steps away from the house. They still kept hollering at me. I opened the door without hesitation. I tripped on the doorway but still had the strength in me to slam the front door with my left foot.

"Cece?" John towered over me in a panic. "What on Earth are You doing?"

"Examining the floor obviously." I giggled.

"Great," John nodded. "Well be ready, after watching the news I decided to collaborate with this Thirty Seconds to Mars. They should be over later."

I hit my head against the floor.


"We both could see crystal clear, That the inevitable end was near." - Alibi

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