Up in the Air

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Jared jumped on top of me. His arms holding him up were the only reason his lips weren't touching mine. His gaze penetrated through me. It almost felt as if he wasn't looking at me, but through me. He leaned in closer to me. My heart began to pump faster. His breath sunk in with mine. He bit his lower lip like he was about to say something. I leaned my head up closer to his and closed my eyes. His thumb traced the outline of my lip, similar to a paint brush. Jared's left hand slid up to my neck. My breath slowed down. He hovered over me by an inch. I waited for him patiently.  "Don't leave me." Is all Jared muttered to me. I batted open my eyes. "Never again." He sat up but still stared down at me. I held myself up using my arms. He pressed my chest back down on the bed. His hand traced down my body. Then he leaned back on top of me. "Let me kiss you," Jared closed his eyes, then -

"Celeste?" John shook me. I shot up from the piano keys. "That's the third time." He grunted.

"Sorry," I murmured.

"Don't be, you're adorable." He let out his hand.

"What time is it?" I asked as I took his hand. John lifted me up from the piano bench then puck me up bridal style.

"Don't worry about it, you have plenty of time." He took me out of the room.

"But we're supposed to meet with the wedding planner today."

"About that." John let me down on the couch. "I can't."

"What do you mean you can't?" I sat up.

"I'm meeting with executives today, boring stuff. So, I rescheduled for next week." John began to grab papers and different plans for his album. "Don't worry yourself." He kissed the center of my forehead.

"What am I supposed to do then?"

"It's your free day! Go do something. Call Dinah or something."

"Dinah lives in Arizona!" I shouted as he closed the door behind him.

I laid back down in the couch pouting. I listened to the birds chirping outside. This is typical of him during album making. I knew he'd go back to being sweet and sensitive John after, until then though I had to live with being alone. Maybe that wasn't a totally bad thing.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. I stared over at the door and decided not to get up, possibly just a telemarketer. Then another loud knock hit against the door. I groaned and rolled off the couch. I didn't even bother looking through the window to check who it was, I swung open the door lazily. Jared stood there outside with his hands clasped behind his back.

"What?" I asked trying not to squint at the light.

"Nice to see you too." He chuckled. "I was wondering if you'd actually like to leave the house for once?"

"And see people? No thanks." I tried shutting the door, but Jared stopped it with his left hand.

"But a little birdie told me you like the ballet?" He smirked and leaned against the doorway. I scowled at him.

"I don't know what you and your brother's motives are, but I do enjoy the ballet." I walked over to the couch to grab my coat. Jared shut the door behind me.

As jared's vehicle pulled up to the parking structure of a theatre, I noticed there were only two other cars parked. This is where I began to question Jared more. A ballet with no audience is like a painter with no paint.

Jared opened the car door on my side. He reached out his hand, I accepted it. He pulled me out then locked the car. He quickly dragged me across the parking structure and propped open the theatre's back door. All of this seemed very odd, but what was I gonna do simply runaway?

Once I tiptoed in, Jared turned on the switch which brought light to the pitch black theatre. It appeared slightly run down, I wasn't going to complain though. Jared snatched my hand again and guided me from back stage into center stage.

"Stay right there." Jared demanded as he ran off into the middle chair of the first row. "Dance!" He proclaimed.

"Dance, Here?" I pointed down at the stage below me.

"Where else?" He clasped his hands.

"You must be delusional! I can't possibly dance without the proper shoes or clothing. I also haven't stretched."

"I won't judge you. But just sayin, a good dancer wouldn't need any of this fancy materials nor a warm up."

"Fine!" I knew he was trying to get a rage out of me, and it worked. I was done with his silly little games.

I closed my eyes and placed my arms shoulder width apart. Soon i found my feet in first position. I took a deep breath. I imagined that it was a full crowed out in the audience. I pretended the lights were stuck on me, and there out in the balcony was John patiently waiting for my solo. Music began to play in my head. A small dance routine popped into my mind. To be more specific, it was the last solo I performed in at the time I met John.

The steps all came back to me instantly.  Each leap and relève. I counted each timing in my head. I could see John smiling back down at me. Oh how I wanted him up here with me. Then he was. His arms graced mine as his lifted me up. His muscular hands wrapped around my waist perfectly. He dropped me back down and chased me across the stage for my last few turns. I ended in his arms. His breath bounced off my neck, his hands still held me tightly from behind. The music ended. I opened my eyes and glanced up. Jared held me from behind.

"I wanted to understand." Jared murmured under his breath.

"Understand what?" I heavily breathed.

"I understand what John saw, only a fool couldn't be entranced by you."

"My job is to entrance those fools."

"You don't even have to try."


"Stuck in a moment of emotion I've destroyed, Is this the end I feel?" - Up in the Air

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