how it starts

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The sound of heavy drums, guitar riffs and muffled screaming kept me awake yet another night.

"You got to be kidding me", I groaned to myself as I turned around in my bed to face the small clock on a table next to me. 3am.

"I'm going to kill 'em."

Yes, I was talking to myself. Yes, it was 3am and the thought of another sleepless night nearly drove me insane. Yes, I was going to get up now. Yes, I felt quite pathetic.

Quickly I tied up my hair and jumped into my jeans and a hoody that was lying around in my room. I put some shoes on but didn't bother to tie them - I didn't intent on staying outside for too long.

Before I could overthink the whole thing I was already standing in front of his house. Ringing the door bell. Once. Twice. Still loud music. A third time. Silence.


A few moments later the door flew open, exposing a lanky boy, dressed all black and white and with a mess of hair.

"Yeah?", he looked slightly confused. Probably he didn't even recognize me.

"Right, if you guys could just please stop playing music for like two hours or just turn down the volume a bit - I know it's Punk and it's probably like super uncool to listen to quiet Punk but really there are people that actually go to school and can't sleep through the whole day ..." I kept on rambling a bit, I wasn't shouting but I was surely angry. Sleep was a sensitve topic to me.

"You know we're not just listening to music, we're doing music." he stated as I finally finished.

"Great." I wasn't in the mood for chatting or letting Matthew Healy mock me which was actually pretty stupid since I was the one standing on his porch.

"Yeah, alright then, two hours."

"Really?" I was pretty confused. That was easier than I thought.


"Thanks." I avoided an awkward silence and any other weird look by quickly running back to my parents house.

I crept up the stairs trying not to wake my parents which was actually stupid since my mum was sleeping with earplugs for years - my dad was quite a snorter. As well as I was pretty sure that you could drop a bomb next to him and he wouldn't wake up.

I didn't even manage to strip down to my underwear before I fell into my bed and flaked off. Finally in silence.

A/N: I don't even know I just started writing this because I got bored. Also sorry if my engl ish sucks it's not even my first language. Let's see where this goes :-)

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