Chapter 1

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I wake up to strangers. Well, mostly strangers at least. I recognize my parents, but there the only two out of 5. I try and think who all these people might be. Nothing. I don't find anything in my sea of memories.
   "Your awake!" Yells one of the strange girls. Shes short and has long brown hair. Seems nice, but because i don't remember her, i wouldn't know.
    Everyone gets up with concerned/excited faces on. I smile lightly. I take in my surroundings and make the assumption that im in a hospital.
    I feel a sudden strike of pain through my right arm when i try to wave. I immediately put my hand down. That hurt like a bitch. What could've happened that caused this horrible pain.
    "Wha-- what happened?" I stutter out. Thats when a boy walks in. Another stranger, great. Hes holding two cups.
"Cally! Your awake!" He says. He sets down the cups and runs over to me.
"Are you ok? How do you feel? Are you tired? Does anything hurt? Are you hungry? Thirsty?" The cup boy babbles on but i stop listening. I focus on his features. His dirty blonde hair, the way its messy but perfect all at once. His blue-green eyes full of concern towards me.
"Geez Cayden way to pressure her." Says another strange girl. I guess his name is Cayden.
"Sweety, are you ok?" My mother asks me.
"Ya... well, kinda. Um... who are all these people?" I say. I see everyones face's go blank. Oh no. I see hurt in  Cayden's eyes along with everyone else's.
"Cally, these are all your friends." Friends? If there my friends, wouldn't i remember them?
"Oh, um... im sorry?" I say quietly. Thats when a doctor arrives. Took him long enough. I thought when someone wakes up the doctor is supposed to come immediately.
"How is-" he starts to say then interrupts himself, "Oh! Shes awake! How come nobody called for a nurse?!" Thats why he took so long. Seriously? No one thought to contact the doctor. Wow. He rushes to the side of me that has a monitor and clicks multiple buttons.

The doctor (Dr. Larsen according to his name tag) asks me a bunch of questions and does a bunch of tests on me. In the the middle of one of his questions i look around at all of my "friends". They all have worry and hurt in there eyes. I feel so bad.
After Dr. Larson is done with his questions and tests he finally reveals whats wrong with me.
"Well, the good news is she should heal in about a month. Bad news is, she lost her memory from 8th grade on."

Well guys, that was the first chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it and i plan on writing more soon!

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