Chapter 11

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     I just kept running. I didnt quite know where i was going. But I planned on running. As i ran i thought the best place to go was back to the cafeteria. Maybe my guard was still there. And if he was. I was going to seriously kick his ass.
When I got back to the lunch room he wasnt there. He must have ratted me out. That little-
"Cally come on! We have to go before they see you!" Someone that whipped me around and shouted at me brought me out of my thoughts. My guard. The traitor.
"Get away from me! You ratted me out!" I yelled back.
"No i didnt! Theres no time to explain we have to get you back to your cell before they see you! Come on, ill explain what happened when we get you there!"
I didn't want to go with him, but something in me told me to trust him. I tried to block it out but I had no other choice. So I nodded my head and we ran back to my cell. The sirens shoot memories of ambulances into my brain. No. No. Stupid memories get out of my head! I make up memories not look back at real ones!

"Come on Cally, just come to the party. Please? It would be really awesome of you did!" My best friend Corina says to me after me telling her over and over again that I'm not going to a party. Party's just aren't my scene.
"Corina, can you tell me what the hell you don't understand about no?" I answer.
"CALLY! Just fucking go you know you will have fun!"
"And you know I wont! Please don't make me." I say.
"Cally. You just broke up with Ryan. This could be a great opportunity to get away from everything. Go have fun for a change!"

"Cally! Cally are you ok!?" My guard snaps me out of my fake memories by shaking my shoulders furiously. If i being honest, party's actually ARE my scene, but i try to forget that.
"Ya ya sorry." I spit out.
"Ok. Come on were here." I see the door to my cell. I have two options right now. I could trust him and go in my cell, risking that he's lying to me and when i go in my cell I'm never allowed out again. Or i could run again. I could run and find an exit. If he's tricking me, he's risking his job because he gave me his keys. If i run i might not find an exit and be even more screwed. I decide to trust him because he trusted me with his keys.
    I walk into my cell with him behind me.
"So what just happened. Wont the security cameras see you helping me? Or did your sorry ass rat me out like I thought." I ask him once I'm seated on my bed and have caught my breath. He's standing near the door, looking tense as fuck. I guess all that running does is make him tense. Which means I probably look like a fat cow right now. I decide to stop staring at him and look at my plain white walls. If it was my choice I would have painted all these walls a long time ago.
"I disabled the cameras when they found out you weren't in the lunch room. I disabled them then looked for you so you wouldn't get caught and get in huge trouble." He responds as if it was nothing. But its not nothing. He risked his job for, for me.
"Why would you do that? If you were caught you would have probably been fired." I stated tossing him his keys. He catches them and answers at the same time.
"I thought it was worth the risk. Your different. Your not all the way gone like everyone else. Theres still hope left in you, even if it takes me forever to find it, I'm going to."
"Don't risk your time on me. Trust me, I'm definitely, not worth it." I say truthfully. Even though a part of me wants him to wast his time on me. I push that selfish part of me away knowing if he wastes his time on me, he's just going to end up getting hurt like everyone else that was in my life.
    "Nice try but theres still part of you there. Part of you thats not mentally gone. You still have a chance at having a real life, you just don't see it yet." He says. What the fuck. Why doesn't he just give up on me. Everyone else has no problem doing it so why cant he.
"News flash. I don't deserve anyone in my life! I killed seven fucking people. If anything you should be scared of me. Maybe I'm going to end up killing you too." I say getting up and walking to him getting dangerously close. If i were to take one more step our noses would be touching.
"If you're supposed to kill me. Do it." He challenges filling the space between us making our noses touch. I step away getting a feeling of déjà vu. Last time I was this close to someone was whe- no. No stop Cally. You left those memories behind a long time ago and some stupid boy is NOT going to cause them to come back into your life.
"Watch yourself, guard." I say.
"I have a name you know." He responds realizing our little moment or whatever is over.
"Ok? Which is?"

I know I haven't updated in a while but I've finally decided to sit my ass down and write another chapter! I started another story on here(I have not updated any of it btw.) So i kind of got caught up in that one but then I thought "oh thats right I'm writing a REAL story that people can ACTUALLY read so i should probably work on that one for a while too." Anyways. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and if your taking your time to read this, thank you. Its my first book and i know it sucks but i try! Well. Nice chatting with you guys but time to go write some more!

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