Chapter 7

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Im in my room now. After my coughing fit the guards must've thought i had enough "social time".
Knock knock knock. As always. The guard never lets me answer and just opens it.
"Dr. Higgins wants to see you." The guard announces.
"Dr. Who?" I answer.
"Your psychiatrist!"
"Oh right that old man." I get off my bed and walk to the door. Hes blocking my path to the hallway and wont move.
"So are you going to let me out or just stand there?" I say
"Are you going to fix that clock or just stand there?" He answers. I narrow my eyes at him.
"I will fix it when i get back!"
"Or are we going to make your parents have to pay for another one?"
"That actually doesnt sound to bad." I say.
"Whats it going to be sweetheart?"
"Ya i'll just fix it when i get back." He moves along so i can get to the hallway then we start walking side by side to Dr.... oh whats his name? Dr. Whatever's office.
"Sense when do you walk by me?" I ask the guard. He's the guard thats always with me if im not in my room. At lunch he stands by the door. During group he stands by the door. I dont know if its just him or if everyone's guards do that but i dont see as many guards as there are patients at lunch.
"What do you mean?" He says
"Well you always walk in front of me and make me follow behind."
"I do not."
"Yes you do!"
"I thought you wanted to follow behind!"
"I thought you were forcing me to follow behind!"
"Wow. Well we had a bit of a misunderstanding."
"Ya, a bit." And with that we fall silent. I soon brake the silence with a question,
"You wouldn't happen to know which room Alex is in?"
"Alex what?"
"I dont know."
"The one at lunch that was sitting by you when you started having a coughing fit?"
"Well, then yes."
"Soo? Which room?"
"Im not aloud to tell you that. Why would you want to know anyways?"
"I dont know, i was just wondering."
He lets out a little huff and we fall silent again. Soon enough we arrive at Dr. Whatever's office. I walk in the door and sit down.
    "Hello Callina." Says my psychiatrist
"Its Cally." I answer frustrated. I hate when people call me by my real name.
"Sorry. We need to talk about two things today, Cally."
"What happened at lunch today?"
"Someone said something that led me into a sea of memories that I'm not ready to enter."
"Who said what?"
"Alex said 'live a little'."
"Alex who?"
"I don't know his last name!"
"Ok ok, and why did him saying that effect you like that?"
"Once again. Im not ready to enter those memories."
"Fine fine. So moving on to the second thing. Your being released in about a month." I feel ecstatic. Excitement rushes through my body and I'm so happy. I cant wait to sleep in my bed again and have the comfort of being... home. But. I cant go home. Not after what happened with my friends. I cant face them after what they did to me.
"Are you sure? I mean i am pretty... crazy?" I say
"Do you not want to go home?"
"I don't know. Part of me does part of me doesn't."
"Reasons. Are we done here because lunch just started and I'm kind of hungry." Another reason why i would like to go home. I would like to eat some real food... but nothing will push me to look into the eyes of the people that hurt me the most. My fucked up friends. Why aren't they here. They are the ones that should be called crazy. They made me write murderer on my wall. They made who i am today. Good and bad ways.
"Yes. You may go to lunch." I get up and walk out the doors. I am greeted with my guard ready to walk me to lunch. And now i sound like a 7 year old. Only i am 17.

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