Chapter 10

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A loud bang on Alex's door breaks our silence that we fell into. I fly under his bed to hid. The door flys open and a guard walks in with his hand on his gun.
    "Do you know where Callina Hall is?" He asks Alex quickly. I flinch at the sound of him using my full name.
"What was that?" The guard says.
"What was what?" Alex says hesitantly. Wow. Is this boy trying to get my caught. Start fucking acting normal stupid! Ok Cally calm down.
"Something moved under your bed! What was it!" The guard yells.
"Theres, um, nothing under my bed. Except for some mice maybe." He nervously laughs and I an so fucking close to getting up and punching him in the face. What the hell. Well now I know how shitty of a actor this guy is. Gosh fucking damn it Alex!
"Well I guess you wont mind if I take a check then would you."
"Well um I mean-"
"We dont have time for this Victor!" Shouts another guard from the hall.
"But somethings un-"
"Enough! She is obviously not in this room and this boy does not know where she is! Get out here so we can keep looking!"
Victor lets out a huff and stomps out of the room and slams the door shut.
I crawl out from under the bed and stand up.
"What was that!" I whisper shout at him just in case there listening.
"What do you mean." He says.
"You almost gave me away!"
"Ugh nevermind we dont have time to talk about it. I need to get back to my guard."
"Ok we'll sneak out."
"The door is locked."
"No its not." He walks over to the door and opens it. Why is mine locked. But his is open.
"Unbelievable." I say under my breath.
"Lets go. We need to be quite there looking for you." He says.
"What about the cameras? They have to be watching them very closely now that I'm 'missing'." I proclaim.
"Um. Well we will just have to run for it. Ready?"
"Alex. If your with me. You'll get in huge trouble."
"Im not going to be the cause of you getting in trouble."
"But Cally I need to go wi-"
"You dont need to do anything except stay here!"
"Fine. I'll stay here and you run for it."
I peak into the hallway and find no one is out there. I take a deep breath and sprint out into the hallway. I hear loud sirens blasting through out every hall way. They see me.

Sorry that this is a small chapter but i just really wanted to write and i honestly have no idea what is going to happen next but uh ya. Thanks for reading!

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