Chapter 9

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    After a few minutes we finally stop hugging. He's calmed down now and stopped crying.
    "You ok?" I ask him.
"Ya, thanks." He answers. I want to ask him about his past but i don't know if he would even want to talk about it.
"What happened?" I ask. Its a way of him telling me about his past without me just asking.
"Dr. Higgins told me i was going home." He said.
"Oh. Um, who's Rachel?" I ask hoping he wont start his yelling at the wall thing again.
"Shes my sister." He says. So when he said 'leave her alone.' He was talking about his sister.
"Do you want to talk?" I asked. I just decided to flat out ask him instead of hinting around trying to get him to tell me.
"I don't know. Plus i thought you hated me?" He said while raising his eyebrows at me.
"I dont hate you. I just strongly dislike you!" I said jokingly. "Nah im kidding. You just annyoed me when you laughed at my story. I mean i killed 7 people and you were just sitting there laughing."
"I know im sorry. But you didnt mean to kill them."
"But i still did."
"You were drunk."
"I was buzzed."
"Same damn thing!"
"No actually its no- wait hold up i cane here to figure out what was wrong with you bit talk about me!"
"Fine. What do you want to know about Alex Pepinoli?" Peoinoli. Is that Italian?
"Everything. Why are you here?" I exclaim.
"I dont tell people that." He confirms.
"Im not going to tell anyone! I dont have any friends anyways so who would i tell?"
"You seem pretty friendly with your guard." He raises one eyebrow at me.
"Ya but i would never tell him something like this."
"Ugh fine. But you cant tell anyone!"
"So when my sister, Rachel, was born my mother died because of her birth. My dad was constantly drinking because of it. I remember one time i was around 12 and Rachel was 11. Im 17 now by the way. I got home and my dad was pissed. He started saying that Rachel took his vodka bottle out his hand and through it out on the street. I asked where she was and he said she ran out the door after. I said i was going to go look for her and he through a plate at me and said no. He said he wanted to wait for her to come back so he could teach her a lesson. I got worried he was going to hurt her. He had hurt her a lot already but this time i had a feeling it was going to be really bad.
"She eventually got back and he flipped out ok her immediately. He started hitting her and screaming in her face. I tried to get him to stop by telling him it was me. That i told her to do it but he wouldn't buy it.
"Later when he was passed out on the coach Rachel was in her room crying her eyes out. I went in a said 'are you ok?' She said 'yeah. But i need to tell you something.' I nodded and she started to explain that he wasn't just beating her. Sometimes at night he would come into her room and-" he started crying again and i didn't know what to do. Before i could do anything he continued his story. "And touch her in bad ways. I felt a hatred towards him. I already hated him but now i hated him with a passion. All i could do is try and support her. When she turned 13. She killed herself. When i found out i felt like a part of me was missing. I was lost without her. We had been through everything together and now i had no one. No one that could share the relationship i had with my sister. She was my best friend. And she always will be. I found a note in my dresser from her, after she was gone. It explained that she couldn't do it anymore. She couldn't deal with my dad doing what he was doing to her anymore. I wanted him gone. I wanted him to die slowly and be tortured like he had done to us. So the next day i took a knife from the counter and was so close to stabbing his leg when a police officer walked in. He cane to investigate Rachel's room one more time but saw me holding a knife close to his leg instead. Soon they decided to put me in here instead of in Juvy. I've been hear ever sense. " So he's been here sense he was 14 and now he's 17. Holy shit.

Well thats Alex's past. Hope you guys liked this chapter and will be writing the next one shortly... probably right after i publish this one!

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