A Not So Happy Reunion

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I half expected Hurricane to blow up. Earth was where she was and he swore never to go back there. Luckily he didnt swear on the River Styx because from the list of enemies we would need him. I was pulled out of my thoughts when someone grabbed my nose.

"Ow!" I screamed only to come face to face with Sky. She let go and pulled me in to a kiss. I heard Chaos clear his throat and we broke apart. Per- Hurricane had his eyes closed most likely wishing that this was a bad dream.

"Hey Hurricane, you home?" Hero said. Hurricane swiftly got up and walked out of the room. "That went better then I hoped." Chaos said. I nodded, at least Hurricane didnt freak out. I was about to say this when we heard a boom.

"Spoke to soon." Chaos said snapping his fingers. He went after Hurricane while the rest of us stayed back. "So who is going to wear thy hood?" Huntress asked. Usually on missions we wear special hoods so that nobody can recognize us. Hero, Beauty, Sky, and I raised our hands.

"I think we should all wear them and reveal ourselves when the time comes" Sky said. Hero nodded in agreement and we went back to sitting in silence. Then LINDA the computer system spoke, "Attention Alpha team please board rocket 7095, and please refrain from blowing it up like last time." I laughed LINDA has a "not so secret" crush on the rocket. I led the team to rocket 7095.


Chaos came and gave me the usual talk about how I can keep my hood up and all that junk but I was to mad. Why in the name of Zeus' giant ego did I have to go back? Hopefully it will only be a small war. Besides she was probably dead by now. It had been 5,000 years, and maybe it was time to get over it and move on.

As I boarded the rocket I saw Shadow looking at me. I stepped towards him and he walked away. "I'm not mad Shadow." He looked at me hopefully. "Perce we're going home!" then realizing he said my old name he mumbled "Oops."

I didnt do anything except walk to my room. Soon I heard someone banging on my door. "Kelp Head, get out here we are in the throne room." I pulled up my hood and went outside to lead my team to face the gods that betrayed me after all I did for them.

(AN: I could stop right there but I am feeling generous)

The first thing I noticed was the saddness in the room. Sevral of the goddesses were in tears and My dad was sobbing with Zeus, Hades, and the other gods comforting him. The nxt thing was that Athena was holding hands with my father and looking at him with..... love and sorrow in her eyes.

Last time I checked Athen hated Posiedon. What happened the last 5,000 years? Shadow nudged me and I saw a group of demigods their. I manage to stifle a gasp of recognition but the gods and demigods noticed us. "I suppose you are Chaos' squad that he is sending?" Zeus asked. I nodded and he said "Please introduce yourselves."

"I am Hurricane Primordial god of Powers, Swordsmanship, Energy, and Elements, also commander of Alpha squad."

"I am Shadow, master of darkness and second in comand of the alpha squad."

"I am Sky, Master of air and member of the Alpha squad."

"I am Angel, master of the dead and member of the Alpha squad."

"I am Huntress, master of the bow and member of the Alpha squad."

"I am Smith, master of forging and member of the Alpha squad"

"I am Beauty, master of love and member of the Alpha squad"

"I am Hero, master of bravery and member of the Alpha squad."

The gods looked at us andstayed quiet. " May I ask why Posiedon and many of the goddesses are crying?" I asked trying to break the tension. Zeus opened his mouth to answer but couldnt and started crying.

"They are crying because 5,000 years ago my boyfriend the greatest demigod whoever lived, dissapeared." she said. I almost lost it  right there, where did she get the right to call me her boyfriend after she cheated on me. I would have lost it if Shadow had not asked "I heard word in the galaxy that you cheated on him, so why do you call him your boyfriend?"

As soon as he said it Annabeth started crying and Piper came forward patting Annabeth. "Annabeth was posesed in to cheating on him that night and we threw the dirty scumbag who did it in to Tartarus!" The other 4 of the prophecy came forward.

"I am Jason Grace son of Jupiter and god of thunder and lightning."

"I am Hazel Levesque (AN: Did I spell that right?) Daughter of Pluto andgoddess of curses."

"I am Frank Zhang son of Mars and minor god of war and sacrifise."

"I am Leo Vladez son of Hephestus, god of fire, and the Supreme Mcshizzle Man."

"I am Piper daughter of Aphrodite and goddess of charmspeak and this is Annabeth daughter of Athen and goddess of architexture and heartbreak."

Now that the introductions were over I let Athena explain who was attacking and blah blah blah but I wasnt paying attention. I was thinking about what Piper said about Annabeth being possesed to kiss Jake. I allowed myself to be hopeful and happy that Jake was now in Tartarus. I got brought out of my thoughts when Athena said "Today we also found out that Jake son of Posiedon was brought out of Tartarus along with Tartarus himself."

Zeus started getting angry and said some creative cuss words. Then he turned his glare at us. He was about to say something when Demeter saved us with a question, "Where will you stay?" I replied "Camp Half-Blood." The demigods looked confused "How do you know about camp?" Jason asked. Shadow replied "All of us are demigods who were brought back to life by Chaos, excpet myself, Sky, and Hurricane." Then with a snap of his fingeers Zeus teleported us to Half-Blood hill. 

 AN: Please comment and tell me how you like it. Also I hope you tell everyone you know about this story because I am going to wait for 5 votes/ comments before I update. 

Question for dedication: What did the shroud the Ares cabin make for Percy in the lightning theif have on it?


Percy Jackson Primordial god of Powers, Swordsmanship, Energy, and ElementsWhere stories live. Discover now