the Assasin of Chaos

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After getting Luke and Zoe to stop kissing, we decided to try and practice. After a little we got tired and decided to take a walk on the beach. While we were walking it suddenly got colder and we saw part of the beach glowing. "Is it just me or is it really cold?" Bianca asked.

Then a hooded figure appeared out of no where. I draw my sword ready for anything but then I see the unusual pouch on his side and call out. "Well aren't you tardy to the party Ice!"

He turns to me and grins, "I'm fashionably late." I laugh ice always seems to make you laugh. He's about 6 feet with brown hair and matching brown eyes that shine brightly. Like all demigods he is well built and muscular. The one thing abnormal about him is he has to swords sheathed on his back forming an x. and he has his bag of throwing knives that never runs out. Seriously, when he first got it he threw knives for three days straight and it didn't run out.

We walk over to him a have a group hug. Warning, never hug Ice unless you like the cold. His mom is Khione and so that basically makes him a real Jack Frost. It's even better that his real name is Jack White. When he lived on earth he was blessed by the big three so now he has their powers, they ended up killing him after he saved them. Then Chaos made him his own personnel assassin.

"So how is planet earth?" Ice asked. Bianca answered, "Good so far but why are you here?"

"Right down to business I see, alrighty then commander can I speak to you in private?" I nod and lead him down the beach. For a while we just walk without talking. Jack has always been good at reading people so he probably knew something was bothering me.

"Okay, we both know something's not adding up, so tell me what you know and I will tell you what I do." Ice broke the silence. I sighed, he was right.

"Why haven't they thrown anything at us hard, why aren't they attacking and how do they plan to beat us, monsters can't kill Primordials like me and you." Did I forget to mention Jack is the primordial of ice, snow, cold, blessings, and assassins. That means he can use any blessing the gods have ever given, like Frank's animal transformations.

" I've been spying on base after base and it doesn't add up, I've seen their numbers and they can't out fight us, I think they have another ally." I look at him in disbelief. If he is right then we might be in trouble.

"There's more I was at their base and Gaea and Kronos have forms I think," Ice was cut off by a shadow moving around us. In a flash we have our weapons out and stand back to back.

Suddenly I sense her, Gaea. I realize our mistake too late. "Get off the ground!" Then a whole opens beneath us, and I know in my gut where it leads, Tartarus.


Author's note:

I feel so evil, and for those of you who are wondering, just because I send two awesome characters in to Tartarus doesn't mean I am Rick Riordan. I own nobody but Jack who is me. please tell me how you like and read my other story, the ice prince to find out more about Jack White.


Percy Jackson Primordial god of Powers, Swordsmanship, Energy, and ElementsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu